Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Napredne teme v gradbenih tehnikah

Cilji in kompetence

Študenti bodo pridobili široko znanje na področju stavbne in kakovosti gradnje, s poudarkom na potencialih spremb objekta s perspektive konservatorstva.
Med opravljanjem aktivnosti v laboratoriju bodo študenti pridobili osnovno znanje (z eksperimentalnega stališča) o postopkih, orodjih in metodah za določanje kompatibilnosti sodobnih in tradicionalnih gradbenih materialov in tehnik.

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti

Osnovno poznavanje teorije struktur, glavnih pojavov degradacije materialov pri zgodovinskih in modernih stavbnih objektih.
Osnovno poznavanje zgodovine arhitekture s poudarkom na razvoju in spremembah v arhitekturi, povezanih z napredkom na področju tehnologij.
Sposobnost grafičnega izražanja za potrebe reprezentacije arhitekture.


  1. Glavna raziskovalna področja
    - tehnike za sanacijo in ojačanje
    - tehnologije v konservatorstvu sodobne stavbne dediščine (20. stoletja)
    - ocena seizmične ranljivosti in varovanje stavbne dediščine;
    - kompatibilnost materialov in statična ojačitev; uporaba kompozitnih materialov;
    - napredne numerične tehnike v gradbeništvu;

  2. Eksperimentalno delo ter raziskovanje in situ in v laboratoriju

  • strukturni mehanizmi in sistemi nadzora pri gradnji
  • orodja za izvajanje osnovnih meritev in kontrolnih naprav
  • ocena mehanskega obnašanja gradbenih materialov
  • analiza obnašanja struktur pri izpostavljenosti kratko- in dolgoročnim obremenitvam

Predvideni študijski rezultati

Končni študijski rezultat pri predmetu je, da študenti pridobijo široko znanstveno ozadje razvoja gradbenih tehnik na področju konservatorstva in restavriranja stavbne dediščine.

Temeljna literatura in viri

  • AA.VV., Curare il moderno. I modi della tecnologia, Atti del 1° Convegno Nazionale DO.CO.MO.MO. Sezione Piemonte, Venezia 2002
  • AA.VV., Architettura moderna in Italia. Documentazione e conservazione, Atti del 1° Convegno Nazionale DO.CO.MO.MO. Italia, Roma 1999 E-gradivo
  • Boriani M. (a cura di), La sfida del moderno. L'architettura del XX secolo tra conservazione e innovazione, Unicopli, Milano 2003
  • Boscato G., Dynamic behaviour of GFRP pultruded elements, ed. By Založba Univerze v Novi Gorici, SBN 978-961-6311-68-7, 2010 Katalog
  • Brogiolo G.P., Faccio P., Stratigrafia e prevenzione. Archeologia dell'architettura, vol.XV/2010, p. 55-63, 2011, ISSN: 1126-6236
  • Bruschi G., Faccio P., Pratali Maffei S., Scaramuzza P., Il calcestruzzo nelle Architetture di Carlo Scarpa. Forme, alterazioni, interventi., vol. 1, p. 1-263, BOLOGNA:Editrice Compositori, 2005. ISBN: 8877944315
  • Bruschi G., Faccio P., Scaramuzza P., Vanin A., Brevetti per edifici asismici: tra teoria e pratica. In: Valtieri S. A cura di. 28 dicembre 1908. La Grande Ricostruzione dopo il terremoto del 1908 nell’area dello Stretto. p. 1044-1067, ROMA:CLEAR, 2008, ISBN: 9788838501050
  • Campanini G., Faccio P., Fain E., Bruschi G., Saramuzza P., Il restauro del contemporaneo. Esperienze e prospettive. p. 1-160, Bologna:Editrice Compositori, 2012, ISBN:9788877947932
  • Crippa M.A., Per il restauro del moderno. Qualche riflessione sul riconoscimento e il progetto di restauro di architetture del Novecento, in “Territorio, n°23, 2003
  • Crippa M. A., Il restauro del grattacielo Pirelli, Milano 2007
  • Faccio P., Conoscenza e prevenzione, In: Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Segretariato Generale (a cura di Laura Moro e Antonella Neri). Linee Guida per la valutazione e riduzione del rischio sismico del patrimonio culturale – allineamento alle nuove norme tecniche per le costruzioni. p. 192-200, ROMA:Gangemi, 2010, ISBN: 9788849220292
  • Faccio P., Alcune considerazioni sul comportamento strutturale del Tempietto di Villa Barbaro a Maser. In: Piana Mario, Soragni Ugo . PALLADIO. MATERIALI TECNICHE RESTAURI IN ONORE DI RENATO CEVESE. Venezia: Marsilio, 2011, ISBN: 97888317107561)
  • Jester Thomas C., Twentieth-century Building materials, History and Conservation, Getty pubblications, 2014 E-gradivo
  • Macdonald, S., Ostergren G., Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage: A Bibliography, 2nd ed. Los Angeles, CA: Getty Conservation Institute, 2013; E-gradivo
  • Salvatore Russo, Giosuè Boscato, Lorenzo Massaria, Nondestructive test for structural restoration. The cases of Devil’s and S. Donato’s masonry bridges in Venice, 6th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in The Mediterranean Basin, Lisbon, April 7-10, 2004. E-gradivo
  • Giosuè Boscato, Salvatore Russo, Francesca Sciarretta, Il Molino Stucky: Affidabilità delle Strutture Murarie Danneggiate e Meccanica del Crollo, Convegno Nazionale, CRASC’06 Crolli e Affidabilità delle Strutture Civili, Messina, 20-22 Aprile 2006
  • Giosuè Boscato, Salvatore Russo, Francesca Sciarretta, Filippo Bastianini, Natural frequencies of pultruded profiles with different cross section, ACIC 07 - Advanced Composites in Construction, 2nd – 4th April 2007, University of Bath, Bath, UK.

Načini ocenjevanja

Ocenjuje se test ter javno predstavitev raziskovalnega dela. 50/50

Reference nosilca

Paolo Faccio redni profesor na IUAV v Benetkah, Italija. Je direktor šole za specializacijo na področju arhitekturne in krajinske dediščine na Univerzi IUAV v Benetkah za akademsko triletje 2023-2026. Na dodiplomski in podiplomski ravni poučuje „Arhitekturno restavriranje“ ter „Teorijo in tehnike zgodovinskih stavb“. Z „Generalnim direktoratom za krajino, likovno umetnost, arhitekturo in sodobno umetnost“ italijanskega ministrstva za kulturo ima sklenjene sporazume za poskuse na področju „Seizmičnega tveganja kulturne dediščine z ozirom na gradbene tehnične standarde“ (DPCM 12.10.2007) in je eden od razširjevalcev smernic.

1. Color, Time, Layering and Preservation/ Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2023. - Article
2. Giuseppe Torres’s ‘Byzantine House' in Venice: Building Materials and Deterioration Products of an Early 1900s Home in the Lagoon Environment Studies in Conservation, 2023. - Article
3. Chapter in book / Il progetto di conservazione nell’attività dei laboratori didattici, Rubettino, 2023.
4. Chapter in book / Linee guida per il recupero dell’architettura rurale Rubettino, 2023.
5. Chapter in book / Pier Luigi Nervi: dall’invenzione alla realizzazione Esempi di Architettura, Aracne, 2023.
6. Conference proceedings contribution / Seismic vulnerability assessment of RC buildings at compartment scale: the use of CARTIS form, Procedia Structural Integrity, Elsevier B.V., 2023.
7. Understanding the structures of Pier Luigi Nervi: a multidisciplinary approach, Vitruvio, 2023. - Article
8. A multidisciplinary approach for the vulnerability assessment of a Venetian historical palace: high water phenomena and climate changes effects, Buildings, 2022.
- Article
9. Antonelli versus Danusso. Il consolidamento della cupola di San Gaudenzio a Novara, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Culture del Progetto, Mimesis; IUAV, Dipartimento di Culture del Progetto, 2022. / Chapter in book

More pubblications:

Works in the fills of the architectural conservation:


• Church of St. Clare, Rieti (2017 – ongoing)
Seismic safety assessment following the Municipality of Rieti’s ordinance.
Client: Regional Secretariat of MiBACT for Lazio.
• Church of St. Augustine, Amatrice, Rieti (2017 – ongoing)
Design and project management services for the "Urgent intervention for stabilization and prevention of further structural damage" of the church.
Client: Regional Secretariat of MiBACT for Lazio.
Project Budget: €300,000.00
Primary Work Category: S04.

• Oratory of Piazza di Santa Croce, San Felice sul Panaro, Modena (MO) (2014 – ongoing)
Design, project management, and coordination during both planning and execution phases for seismic retrofitting of the Oratory of Piazza di Santa Croce, damaged in the 2012 earthquake.
Client: Archdiocese of Nonantola, Modena.
Project Start: 2014
Budget: €1,050,000.00
Primary Work Categories: E22 and S04.
• Church of St. John the Baptist, Disvetro, Cavezzo (MO) (2013 – ongoing)
Structural stabilization and assignment for preliminary, final, and executive design, as well as project management, of the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist in Disvetro, Cavezzo (MO).
Client: Regional Directorate for Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Emilia-Romagna.
Project Start: 2013
Budget: €230,000.00
Primary Work Category: S04.
• Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria, Rovereto di Novi (MO) (2013-2014)
Preliminary, final, and executive project and construction supervision for architectural restoration of the historic Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria, located in Rovereto sul Secchia, Novi (MO).
Client: Diocese of Carpi, Modena.
Project Duration: 2013/2014
Budget: €230,000.00
Primary Work Category: S04.
• Ducal Palace, Mantua (2012 – ongoing)
Final and executive project for restoration and structural improvement of Ducal Palace, Mantua, Castle of St. George.
Project Duration: 2012-2014
Client: Regional Directorate of MiBACT for Lombardy.
Budget: €1,669,773.00
Primary Work Category: S04.

• Praglia Abbey, "Double Cloister," Teolo (PD) (2014 – ongoing)
Rehabilitation and reconstruction of the roof of the Double Cloister of Praglia Abbey in Teolo, Padua.
Responsible for consolidation and structural improvement project.
Client: Praglia Abbey.
Project Start: 2014 – ongoing
Budget: €1,300,000.00, with €1,000,000.00 in category S04.
• Church of St. Jerome of Colloredo and Rectory (VI) (2014-2015)
Seismic consolidation and improvement of the Church of St. Jerome and rectory in Colloredo, Vicenza.
Responsible for structural consolidation and roof improvement.
Client: Parish of Colloredo.
Project Duration: 2014-2015
Total Project Budget: €150,000.00
Structural Roof Interventions: €47,000.00
Category: S04.

• Former Crociferi Convent (2009-2012)
Responsible for the final and executive project of restoration and structural consolidation works, including on-site project management.
Restoration of the former Crociferi Convent, formerly Caserma Manin in Venice, now serving as a student residence and hospitality facility for IUAV University of Venice.
Project Approved: 2009
Works Started: November 2010
Completed: August 2012
Client: ISP (IUAV Servizi e Progetti) S.r.l., Venice.
Total Budget: €17,178,668.64, including €3,491,421.06 for category E22 and €1,376,419.19 for category S04.
• Former Santa Marta Bakery in Verona
Responsible for the final and executive project of restoration and structural consolidation works, including on-site project management.
Restoration of the former Santa Marta Bakery in Verona, now a university campus.
Project Approved: 2009
Works Started: October 21, 2009
Completed and Tested: 2015
Client: ISP (IUAV Servizi e Progetti) S.r.l., Venice.
Total Budget: €23,682,894.08, including €16,507,715.90 in category Id.