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Izbrana poglavja iz onesnaževanja tal

Cilji in kompetence

Podati študentom poglobljena znanja povezana z najsodobnejših raziskavami na področju problematike onesnaževanja tal.

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti



Vsebino smiselno izbere študent v sodelovanju z mentorjem glede na področje svojega raziskovalnega dela. Vsebino potrdi znanstveni svet Podiplomskega študijskega programa Znanosti o okolju.

Predvideni študijski rezultati

Razumevanje virov onesnaženja, kemijskih procesov, ki potekajo v tleh in posledic onesnaževanja tal. Samostojno obravnavanje problematike, vezane na problematiko onesnaževanja tal.

Temeljna literatura in viri

  • Soil Pollution: From Monitoring to Remediation /ed. Armando C. Duarte, Anabela Cachada, Teresa A.P. Rocha-Santos,1st edition Academic Press, 2017, 9780128498736 Katalog
  • Izbrani članki s področja onesnaževanja tal (vsaj 20 člankov).

Načini ocenjevanja

• Seminarska naloga 50% • Ustni izpit 50%

Reference nosilca

Ario de Marco je izredni profesor s področja biotehnologije na Univerzi v Novi Gorici.

Izbrane reference:

• Zou T, Dembele F, Beugnet A, Sengmanivong L, Trepout S, Marco S, de Marco A, Li M-H (2015) Nanobody-functionalized PEG-b-PCL polymersomes and their targeting study. J Biotechnology, 214:147-155
• Moutel S, Bery N, Bernard V, Keller L, Lemesre E, de Marco A, Ligat L, Rain GC, Favre G, Olichon A, Perez F (2016) NaLi-H1: A universal synthetic library of humanized nanobodies providing highly functional antibodies and intrabodies. eLife, 10.7554/eLife.16228
• Crépin R, Gentien D, Duché A, Rapinat A, Reyes C, Némati F, Massonnet G, Decaudin D, Djender S, Moutel S, Desrumeaux K, Cassoux N, Piperno-Neumann S, Amigorena S, Perez F, Roman Roman S, de Marco A (2017) Nanobodies against surface biomarkers enable the analysis of tumor genetic heterogeneity in uveal melanoma Patient Derived Xenografts. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res, 30:317-327
• Ambrosetti E, Paoletti P, Bosco A, Parisse P, Scaini D, Tagliabue E, de Marco A, Casalis L (2017) Quantification of circulating cancer biomarkers via sensitive topographic measurements on single binder nanoarrays. ACS Omega, 2:2618-2629
• Crepin R, Veggiani G, Djender S, Beugnet A, Planeix F, Pichon C, Moutel S, Amigorena S, Perez F, Ghinea N, de Marco A (2017) Whole-cell biopanning with a synthetic phage display library of nanobodies enabled the recovery of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor inhibitors. Biochem Biophys Res Comm, 493:1567-1572
• Popovic M, Mazzega E, Toffoletto B, de Marco A (2018) Isolation of anti-extra-cellular vesicle single-domain antibodies by direct panning on vesicle-enriched fractions. Microbial Cell Fact, 17:6
• Mazzega E, de Marco A (2018) Engineered cross-reacting nanobodies simplify comparative oncology between humans and dogs. Vet Comp Oncology, 16:E202-E206
• de Marco A (2018) Nanomaterial bio-activation and macromolecules functionalization: the search for reliable protocols. Prot Expr Purif, 147:49-54
• Oloketuyi S, Annovi G, de Marco A (2020) Peroxidase zymograms obtained by agarose native gel electrophoresis have unmet resolution and completeness. Int J Biol Macromol 156:869-873
• Oloketuyi S, Mazzega E, Zavašnik J, Pungjunum K, Kalcher K, de Marco A, Mehmeti E (2020) Electrochemical immunosensor functionalized with nanobodies for the detection of the toxic microalgae Alexandrium minutum using glassy carbon electrode modified with gold nanoparticles. Biosensors Bioelectronics, 54:112052
• Soler MA, Medagli B, Wang J, Oloketuyi S, Bajc G, Huang H, Fortuna S, de Marco A (2021) Effect of humanizing mutations on the stability of the llama single-domain variable region. Biomolecules 11:163
• Ambrosetti E, Bernardinelli G, Hoffecker I, Hartmanis L, Kiriako G, de Marco A, Sandberg R, Högberg B, Teixeira AI (2021) A DNA-nanoassembly-based approach to map membrane protein nanoenvironments. Nat Nanotechnol, 16:85-95