Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Statistična mehanika

Predmet se izvaja v programu:
Fizika in astrofizika prve stopnje


Temeljna literatura in viri

  • L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz: Statistical Physics (Third Edition, Part 1: Volume 5 (Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 5, first printed 1980, reprinted 1982,1985, 1986, 1988, 1993, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005). Katalog E-gradivo
  • K. Huang, Statistical mechanics. New York: Wiley (1987). Katalog E-gradivo
  • R. Kubo, N. Saito and M. Toda: Statistical Physics I: Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. Springer Series of Solid-State Sciences (1998). Katalog