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Seminar "Genus comparisons in the topological analysis of RNA structures"

CITUM 13. junija 2023 v Vipavi s pričetkom ob 14. uri organizira seminar Nicola Cangiottija z Oddelka za matematiko, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italija.

RNA folding prediction remains challenging, but can be also studied using a topological
mathematical approach. In the present paper, the mathematical method to compute the topological
classification of RNA structures and based on matrix field theory is shortly reviewed, as well as a
computational software, McGenus, used for topological and folding predictions. Additionally, two
types of analysis are performed: the prediction results from McGenus are compared with
topological information extracted from experimentally-determined RNA structures, and the
topology of RNA structures is investigated for biological significance, in both evolutionary and
functional terms. Lastly, we advocate for more research efforts to be performed at intersection of
physics-mathematics and biology, and in particular about the possible contributions that topology
can provide to the study of RNA folding and structure.