Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Predavanje v okviru Znanstvenega večera

Datum objave: 2. 12. 2018

Univerza v Novi Gorici vabi na predavanje, ki ga bo imel prof. dr. Paolo Creminelli (International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)), z naslovom "Rojstvo vesolja".

Predavanje v okviru cikla »Znanstveni večeri« bo potekalo v sredo, 12. decembra 2018, ob 19. uri v dvorcu Lanthieri v Vipavi.

Sledil bo razgovor s predavateljem, ki ga bo moderirala doc. dr. Gabrijela Zaharijas.

Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.

What is the history of our Universe since its beginning? It may seem a too ambitious question, but nowadays we have a quite clear picture of the cosmological evolution. Going back in time we can describe the Universe as it was 14 billion years ago and we find it extremely hot and energetic. Similar physical conditions can now be reproduced in particle accelerators. But one can go further back, until the beginning of space and time: the dawn of the Universe.



Andreja Leban
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