Študentski simpozij EuroEnviro 2014
EuroEnviro je vsakoletni evropski študentski simpozij o okolju.
Simpozij se vsako leto odvija v drugi državi. V letu 2014 se bo odvijal na Finskem, v Helsinkih, in sicer med 17. in 25. majem 2014. Slogan letošnjega simpozija je: Transforming societies - towards an environmentally sustainable future.
Prijave sprejemajo do 19. marca. Več informacij in prijave sprejemajo na: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/euroenviro2014/application/
Vprašanja v povezavi z razpisom lahko naslovite na: euroenviro2014.application@gmail.com
The EuroEnviro offers its participants a high-level academic program, organized in cooperation with universities and other partners. In addition, it provides an important platform for European students in environmental sciences to meet and learn from each other – to create networks and share their experiences. In addition to the academic program, there is an extensive social program, including parties, sauna nights and exploring the beautiful city of Helsinki, allowing the participants to get to know each other, make new friends and stay in touch as well after the symposium is over.
The participation fee, 195 €, covers accommodation in a shared hostel room, all academic and free time program, transportation during the symposium, breakfast and lunch each day as well as dinners on most nights. The participants will have to cover travel costs to and from Helsinki themselves.