Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Od Babbagea do Muska: Prometejske vizije umetne inteligence

Datum objave: 23. 4. 2024
Univerza v Novi Gorici, dvorec Lanthieri, Glavni trg 8, Vipava

Univerza v Novi Gorici vabi na predavanje, ki ga bo imel prof. dr. Roberto Trotta (SISSA - School for Advanced Study in Trieste, Italija), z naslovom Od Babbagea do Muska: Prometejske vizije umetne inteligence.

Predavanje bo potekalo v torek, 14. maja 2024, ob 16. uri v dvorcu Lanthieri v Vipavi.

Sledil bo pogovor s predavateljem, ki ga bo moderirala prof. dr. Gabrijela Zaharijas.

From science to creativity, from business to ethics, from the humanities to education, almost all areas of human endeavour are being impacted, challenged and sometimes rapidly reshaped by Artificial Intelligence (AI), whose core aim is to build machines that can learn from experience, predict the future and adapt their response to changes in the environment. This talk will uncover the unsuspected origin of such a powerful idea - namely, celestial mechanics and Laplace’s demon - and explore its relevance for contemporary debates around the future of AI, and its role in science and society.

Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.

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