Rastlinska biotehnologija

Podiplomski doktorski študijski program Molekularna genetika in biotehnologija / Fakulteta za podiplomski študij

  • Chrispeels M.J., Gepts P. Plants, Genes, and Agriculture: Sustainability through Biotechnology, Oxford, 1st edition (2017), ISBN: 978-1605356846. Katalog
  • Sarad R.Parekh (ed.). The GMO Handbook, Genetically Modified Animals, Microbes, and Plants in Biotechnology. 374 pages, Humana Press, (2004), ISBN: 1588293076. E-gradivo
  • Razdan M.K. Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture. 376 pages, Science Publishers, 2nd edition (2003), ISBN: 1578082374. Katalog
  • Buchanan B.B., Gruissem W., Jones L.R. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. American Society of Plant Biologist, Wiley Blackwell, 2nd edition (2017), ISBN: 978-0-470-71421-8. Katalog E-gradivo