Uporaba in varstvo kraških jam

Podiplomski doktorski študijski program Krasoslovje / Fakulteta za podiplomski študij

  • Culver, D. C., B. Debevc, M. Knez, G. Kovačič, A. Kranjc, J. Mulec, T. Pipan, M. Prelovšek, N. Ravbar, A. Semeja, T. Slabe, S. Šebela, N. Zupan Hajna (2012): Krasoslovje v razvojnih izzivih na krasu 2, gradnja, turizem, ekologija, varovanje; Karstology and Development Challenges on Karst 2, construction, tourism, ecology, protection.- Založba ZRC, p. 199. Katalog
  • Educating for Sustainable Tourism, Proceedings of the International Conference held in Slovenia, September 17-24, 1992, 1992.
  • Gams, I., 2004: Kras v Sloveniji v prostoru in času. - Založba ZRC, p.515, Ljubljana. Katalog
  • Geotechnical and Environmental Applications of karst Geology and Hydrology. Proceedings of the Eight Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karsts, Louisville/Kentucky/1-4 April 2001, Balkema, 2001. Katalog
  • Gillieson, D., 1996: Caves: processes, development and management.- Blackwell Publishers, Oxford & Cambridge. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Grimes, K.G. & Hamilton-Smith, E. & Spate, A.P: Southeast Karst province of South Australia, Australian Caves & Karst Management Association, 1995.
  • International Symposium on the Exploitation and Protection of Karst and Cave Scenic Tourist resources, Aug. 22-26 1994, 1994.
  • Knez, M. & T. Slabe, 2002: Karstology and the Opening of the Caves during Motorway Construction in the Karst Region of Slovenia.- Implication of Speleological Studies for Karst Subcidence Hazard Assessment, International Journal of Speleology 31, 159-169. E-gradivo
  • Monitoring of Karst caves, 2002: Acta carsologica 31, Ljubljana. E-gradivo
  • Prelovšek, M., N. Zupan Hajna (eds.), 2011: Pressures and Protection of the Underground Karst.- Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU, p. 194. E-gradivo
  • Use of Modern Technologies in the Development of caves for Tourism, 2002.- 4th International ISCA Congress, Postojna, 21st 27th October 2002, Postojna.
  • Izbrani članki iz ustreznih domačih in tujih strokovnih revij.