Uvod v kognitivne znanosti

Podiplomski doktorski študijski program Kognitivne znanosti jezika / Fakulteta za podiplomski študij

  • Baddeley, Alan D. 1999. Essentials of human memory, chapter 2 and 3. Cognitive psychology. Hove, UK: Psychology Press. E-gradivo
  • Bermudez, Jose L. 2010. Cognitive Science: An introduction to the Science of the Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Katalog E-gradivo
  • Patrick Colm H. 2011. The Cambridge encyclopedia of the language sciences. , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Larson, Richard K. and Kimiko Ryokai. 2010. Grammar as science. In Grammar as science, chapter Part II, pages 37-77. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. E-gradivo
  • Longuet-Higgins, H. C. 1987. Mental processes: studies in cognitive science, volume 1 of Explorations in cognitive science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. E-gradivo
  • Marr, David. 1982. Vision: a computational investigation into the human representation and processing of visual information. San Francisco, CA: W.H. Freeman. E-gradivo
  • Osherson, Daniel N., Lila R. Gleitman and Mark Liberman (eds). 1995. An Invitation to cognitive science. Vol. 1: Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. E-gradivo
  • Osherson, Daniel N. and Edward E. Smith. 1995. An invitation to cognitive science. Vol. 3: Thinking. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. E-gradivo
  • Osherson, Daniel. N., Don Scarborough and Saul Sternberg (eds.) 1998. An invitation to cognitive science. Vol. 4: Methods, Models and Conceptual Issues. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.