Družba v dobi modernizacije

Podiplomski doktorski študijski program Humanistika / Fakulteta za podiplomski študij

  • Bade K. (2003): Migration in European History, Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Ariès P., Duby G. (1994): A History of Private Life: From the Fires of Revolution to the Great War v. 4, Harvard University Press. E-gradivo
  • Barbagli M., Kertzer D. I. (2003): The history of the European family. 2. Family life in the long nineteenth century, 1789–1913, New Haven, London. E-gradivo
  • Bayly C. A. (2007): The Birth of the Modern World, 1780–1914. Global Connections and Comparisons, University of Cambridge. E-gradivo
  • Blaznik P, Grafenauer B., Vilfan S. (1980): Gospodarska in družbena zgodovina Slovencev. Zgodovina agrarnih panog, 2 zv., Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. zv. 1 Katalog zv. 2 Katalog
  • Bush M. L. (1992): Social Orders and Social Classes in Europe since 1500: Studies in Social Stratification, London and New York, Longman.
  • Hobsbawm E. (1996): The Age of Revolution, Vintage. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Hobsbawm E. (1996): The Age of Capital, Vintage. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Hobsbawm E. (1989): The Age of Empire, Vintage. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Hudson P. (1992, 2004, 2007): The industrial revolution, Hodder, London. E-gradivo
  • Katznelson I., Zolberg A. R. (eds.) (1986): Working-class formation: Nineteenth-century patterns in Western Europe and the United States, Princeton University Press. E-gradivo
  • Kocka J. , Mitchel A. (1993): Bourgeois Society in 19th Century Europe, Berg Publishers. E-gradivo
  • Laslett P. (2000): The world we have lost. Further explored. E-gradivo
  • Lees A., Lees L. H. (2007): Cities and the Making of Modern Europe, 1750–1914, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Livi Bacci M., Prebivalstvo v zgodovini Evrope, Ljubljana 2005. Katalog
  • Moch L. P. (1992): Moving Europeans. Migration in Western Europe since 1650, Bloomington-Indianapolis. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Kocka J., Mitchel A. (1993): Bourgeois Society in Nineteenth-Century Europe. E-gradivo
  • Sieder R. (1998): Socialna zgodovina družine, Studia humanitatis, ZRC, Ljubljana.
  • Tilly L. A., Scott J. W (1989): Women, work and family, Routledge. E-gradivo