Delavnica za izvajalce odprtega izobraževanja
Magistrski študijski program Načrtovanje in vodenje odprtega izobraževanja
Cilji in kompetence
Temeljni cilj predmeta je, da študenti spoznajo načela razvoja in izvedbe poskusnega projekta uvajanja odprtega izobraževanja ter tudi kolegialnega (vrstniškega) vrednotenja.
Študenti pridobijo naslednje kompetence:
- ustvarjalna konceptualizacija in načrtovanje poskusnega projekta uvajanja OI
- preiskušanje osnovnih konceptov OI v praksi
- znanja s področja ustvarjalnosti, načrtovanja in uvajanja tako metod kot tudi strojne in programske opreme za podporo posameznih faz OI
- vrednotenje procesa uvajanja OI
- implementacija OI v različnih kontekstih, akademskih in neakademskih
Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti
Osnovno poznavanje področja informacijsko- komunikacijskih tehnologij ter znanja iz prvega semestra 1. letnika predmetov Osnove odprtega izobraževanja, Strategije odprtega izobraževanja, Načrtovanje odprtega izobraževanja in Učinkovite didaktične metode v odprtem izobraževanju.
• Cilj in namen predmeta
• Materiali in metode dela
• Potrebna in dodatna literatura ter mediografija
• Študijski vodnik in koncept mentorstva -
Študije primerov in vir idej v odprtem izobraževanju
• Analiza
• Diskusija
• Spoznanja -
Razvoj koncepta
• Ideja
• Iteracija
• Oblikovanje -
Pilotiranje procesa OI
• Načrtovanje pilota
• Implementacija pilota -
Predvideni študijski rezultati
Znanje in razumevanje:
• konsolidirano in uporabno znanje o osnovnih konceptih, metodologijah in orodjih v OI,
• kritični odnos do uporabe metodologij in orodij v OI,
• poznavanje odprtega in ustvarjalnega pristopa pri konceptualizaciji, tako na področju načrtovanja kot vrednotenja OI.
Temeljna literatura in viri
* Bali, M., Cronin, C., Czernierwicz, L., DeRosa, R., Jhandiani, R. (2020) Open at the margins. Critical perspectives on open education. E-gradivo
* Ehlers, U.-D. (2020) Future skills: The future of learning in higher education, Nextskills. E-gradivo
* Weller, M. (2014) The battle for open, London: ubiquity press. E-gradivo
* Action Research Journal E-gradivo
* Asian Journal of Distance Education E-gradivo
Open Praxis E-gradivo
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning E-gradivo
* Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Education (New Zealand) E-gradivo
* Atenas, J. & Havemann, L. (2018). Open Data as Open Educational Resources: Case studies of emerging practice (Version 1st). Zenodo. E-gradivo
Atenas, J., Havemann, L. & Timmermann, C. (2020) Critical literacies for a datafied society: academic development and curriculum design in higher education, in: Research in Learning Technology. E-gradivo
Design Council (2021) What is the framework for innovation? Design Council’s evolved Double Diamond. E-gradivo
Heller, R. F. (2022) The distributed university for sustainable higher education, Springer. E-gradivo
Jordan, K. & Weller, M. (2017) Openness and Education: A beginner's guide. E-gradivo
Müller-Roterberg, C. (2018) Handbook of design thinking, Kidle direct publishing. E-gradivo
Murray, R., Caulier-Grice & Mulgan, G. (2010) The open book of social innovation, The Young Foundation. E-gradivo
Open University (online) Design thinking, Open Learn course. E-gradivo
Open University (Online) Learning to teach: And introduction to classroom research, OpenLearn course. E-gradivo
Ossiannilsson, E. (2021) The new normal: Post-COVID-19 is about change and sustainability, in: Near East University Journal of Education Faculty (NEUJE), volume 4, issue 1. E-gradivo
Weller, M. (2020) 25 years of EdTech, AU press. E-gradivo
Wikibooks (2016) Open Education Handbook. E-gradivo
Creative commons. E-gradivo
Inner Development Goals IDGs to achieve SDGs. E-gradivo
* UN Sustainable Development Goals (online). E-gradivo*
Načini ocenjevanja
Projekt (50%), izpit (50%)
Reference nosilca
Dr Chrissi Nerantzi (@chrissinerantzi) is a National Teaching Fellow and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is an academic developer at Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom and has leadership responsibilities for Teaching Excellence and communities and networks. She teaches on the MA in Higher Education, supports curriculum design especially in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and mentors colleagues for academic promotions linked to teaching and supports colleagues in scholarly activities around learning and teaching. She is an experienced facilitator who uses novel approaches, including play, making and storytelling, to foster interaction and engagement and regularly works internationally. Her research interests are around open education, creativity and innovation in learning and teaching and she has published widely in these areas. Her doctoral thesis is in the area of open cross-institutional academic development with a focus on cross-boundary collaborative learning in these settings (see Chrissi has founded a range of successful open staff development initiatives, co-created many Open Educational Resources and supported a range of open educational projects. The open Creativity for Learning in Higher Education (#creativeHE) community and the international #LTHEchat she co-founded are two such examples. Chrissi is also the mentor co-ordinator of the Open Education for a Better World Programme. To find out more about Chrissi’s work, please visit
Selected recent publications
Costelloe, L., Nerantzi, C., O’Brien, E. , O’Sullivan, Í. and Reale, J. (2020) Development of a Shared Vision for Flexible Inter-Institutional Professional Development using the OOFAT Model, in: Buckley, C. and Nerantzi, C. (eds.) (2020) Exploring visual representation of concepts in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Special Issue, International Journal of Management and Applied Research, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 240-256,
Nerantzi, C. (2019) Uncovering and discovering creative practices that foster student and staff engagement. in: Elkington, S., Westwood, D. and Nerantzi, C. (eds.) (2019) Creativity in Student Engagement, Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, Volume 2, Number 3, pp. 261-264, available at
Nerantzi, C. (2019) The role of crossing boundaries in collaborative open learning in cross-institutional academic development, In: Research in Learning Technology, Vol. 27, DOI:
Nerantzi, C. (2018) The design of an empirical cross-boundary collaborative open learning framework for cross-institutional academic development, In: Open Praxis, Vol. 10, No. 4, October-December 2018, pp. 325-342, DOI:
Nerantzi, C. and Gossman, P. (2018) Cross-boundary communities, an alternative vision for academic development, In: Compass Journal, London: University of Greenwich, Volume 11, No. 2. DOI:
Nerantzi, C. and Thomas B. E. (2019) What and who really drives pedagogic innovation? In: Elkington, S., Westwood, D. and Nerantzi, C. (eds.) (2019) Creativity in Student Engagement, Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, Volume 2, Number 3, pp. 234-260, available at