Preskoči na glavno vsebino

Družbeni in pravni vidiki okolja

Predmet se izvaja v programu:
Podiplomski magistrski študijski program Okolje

Cilji in kompetence

The complexity of the human-environment relationship and its cultural, social, political and legal dimension will be at the core of the course. The course will explore the genesis of the environmental knowledge from the perspective of the environmental anthropology , environmental philosophy and ethics.
This module will also provide a legal reference point for students, which will be useful both for present study and future practice. For example, they will become familiar with the nomination process for World Heritage inscription; will know what the limits of the law are with respect to cultural heritage protection; and will be able to assess the possibilities of human rights and other legal frameworks.

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti

Ni predpisanih predpogojev.


  1. Introduction
    • Aims and purpose of the module
    • Syllabus presentation
    • Student assessment
    • Bibliography and suggested sources

  2. Humans and their Environment :
    • Overview on contradictions and dilemmas in late capitalism
    • Growing attention to environmental justice, equity and fairness
    • Health and Environment- growing social attention

  3. Concepts and their extension:
    • Environmentalism and Ecology and their discourse- Urban ecology, Landscape-Cultural landscape, Climate Change, Pollution, Green buildings, Energy and Environment, Biodiversity, Sustainability, etc.
    • Sustainability and environmental policies (from scientific-technological knowledge to public attention, population –environment debate on resource conflict)
    • Environmental concern and place making (landscape as new design paradigm, green urbanism and architecture, Cities and nature-Urban ecology, conservation and restoration (conservation, recycling, upcycling etc.)

  4. Main international instruments for environmental protection I
    • Protected areas in international law
    • 1972 World Heritage Convention
    • Implementation, monitoring and compliance with 1972 Convention
    • Whose heritage? Communities, the state and the general interest of humanity as a whole
    • How world heritage status affects international and domestic law
    • The relationship between the WHC and other environmental treaties

  5. Main international instruments for environmental protection II
    • UN Declaration on the Human Environment (Stockholm 1972)
    • UN Declaration on Environment and Development (1992)
    • Aarhus Convention 1998
    • Marine and freshwater conservation
    • The regime for protecting Antarctica

  6. Environmental protection and human rights law
    • Nature and scope of environmental rights in international law
    • Environment in international human rights courts
    • Regional human rights treaties
    • The promises and limits of human rights for environmental protection
    • Environmental rights in other international fora (investor tribunals)

  7. Environment in the European context
    • EU Law and Environmental Impact Assessment
    • Natura 2000 and protected areas
    • European Landscape Convention and role of Council of Europe
    • Access to information, public participation and access to justice
    • Contentious cases an national level in Europe

  8. Environment, landscape and commons
    • Shifting conceptual boundaries of property and landscape
    • Forms of property and forms of goods (public, private, co- ownership, commons) and effective management of environment and heritage
    • Actors and stakeholders: owners, users, individuals, communities
    • New technologies, intellectual property, copyright and creative commons
    • Emerging calls for landscape rights and landscape democracy

  9. Contemporary challenges in social and legal aspects of the environment
    • Democratisation of environmental protection in practice
    • Public interest litigation
    • An international criminal court for the environment?
    • Environmental governance and the culture-nature dichotomy
    • Expanding the precautionary principle and enlightened judicial approaches

Predvideni študijski rezultati

By the end of this module, the students will have an understanding of the role of law (especially international law) in the protection of environmental heritage and the environment. They will understand the legal context of their field of work and will be able to draw on what is relevant for their own research and/or practice.

Načini ocenjevanja

Po koncu izvajanja predmeta morajo študenti oddati pisni izdelek na temo, ki jo določi predavatelj (vsak študent izbira med tremi predlaganimi temami). Študenti lahko izbirajo med praktičnimi in teoretičnimi temami, pisni izdelek pa mora odražati raziskovalno delo študenta in njegovo refleksijo na izbrano temo.

Reference nosilca

Saša Dobričič je ustanovna direktorica doktorskega študija Ekonomija in tehnike konservatorstva arhitekturne in krajinske dediščine, ki je bil ustanovljen skupaj z Univerzo IUAV iz Benetkah. Je podpredsednica UNISCAPE mreže (European Network of Universities for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention) in članica znanstvenega odbora IAES (International Academy for Environmental Sciences). Njeni raziskovalni interesi se osredotočajo na interpretacijo urbanih pojavov, predvsem v povezavi s krajino, dediščino in okoljem. Organizirala je več mednarodnih srečanj in pobud: leta 2010 Kreativna mesta: katera zgodovinska urbana krajina? leta 2012, Skupno dobro: izven lastnine, katere pravice za uporabnike? Leta 2013 pa je skupaj z JPI Urban Europe organizirala Novi urbani svet. Bodoči izzivi in oddzivi urbanih sistemov v gibanju.

Amy Strecker je raziskovalka na Fakulteti za arheologijo Univerze v Leidnu. Doktorski naziv je pridobila na področju mednarodnega prava, in sicer na Evropskem univerzitetnem institutu (European University Institute) v Firencah, leta 2012. V okviru svoje doktorske disertacije, za katero je prejela štipendijo vlade Republike Irske (Irskega raziskovalnega odbora), je preučila varovanje krajine s stališča prava kulturne dediščine, okoljskega prava in človekovih pravic. Pred svojim delovanjem na Univerzi v Leidnu je koordinirala in poučevala predmet Mednarodno pravo na področju človekovih pravic na Univerzi Boston, Dublin. Kot predavateljica s področja prava kulturne dediščine je gostovala na University College Dublin, nazadnje pa tudi na Univerzi v Novi Gorici, na študijskih programih, ki se izvajajo v Benetkah. Amy od leta 2008 aktivno deluje v okviru mreže European Landscape Network in je trenutno znanstvena urednica univerzitetne mreže UNISCAPE – Network of Universities for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention.

Raziskovalna področja: Mednarodno pravo, pravo kulturne dediščine, okoljsko pravo, človekove pravice, krajina -njen razvoj in uporaba, zgodovina prava, kulturna geografija, kritična teorija dediščine.

Izbor referenc:
• “Indigenous Rights in the Caribbean Archipelago: Dominica, St. Vincent and Trinidad Compared”, paper presented at the International Colloquium ‘Heritage and Rights of Indigenous Peoples’, Faculty of Law, Leiden University, 13 June 2014 (journal article forthcoming, 2014).
• forthcoming, 2014) Landscape as Public Space: The Role of International and European Law in the Protection of Landscape in Europe (Oxford University Press).
• (2012) “The Human Dimension to Landscape Protection in International Law”, in F. Lenzerini and S. Borelli (eds.), Cultural Heritage, Cultural Rights, Cultural Diversity: New Developments in International Law, Leiden, Boston; M. Nijhoff, pp. 327-347.
• 2012) “The Implementation of the European Landscape Convention: potential benefits and challenges for Greece”, in T. Papayannis and P. Howard (eds.) Reclaiming the Greek Landscape. Athens, Greece: MedINA, pp. 85-90.
• (2011) “The ‘Right to Landscape’ in International Law”, in S. Egoz, J. Makhzoumi and G. Pungetti (eds.), The Right to Landscape: Contesting Landscape and Human Rights, London; Ashgate, pp. 57-70.
• (2010) “Landscape and Human Rights”, in Living Landscape: The European Landscape Convention in Research Perspective, Florence; Bandecchi & Vivaldi, Volume I, pp. 488-495.
• (2009) “Pirates of the Mediterranean? The Case of the ‘Black Swan and its Implications for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Region”, in A. F. Vrdoljak and F. Francioni (eds.), Illicit Traffic of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean, Florence; Academy of European Law, pp. 59-73.