NM Sodobne umetniške prakse 2
Predmet se izvaja v programu:
Medijske umetnosti in prakse - podiplomski
Medijske umetnosti in prakse - podiplomski
Temeljna literatura in viri
Obvezna literatura se določi za vsak posamičen pojekt.
- Svet umetnosti Zborniki, SCCA, Ljubljana Katalog Katalog Katalog Katalog E-gradivo
- Eseji o video produkciji v različnih kontekstih ali v razmerju do družbenih in umetniških praks, SCCA-Ljubljana. E-gradivo
- Goldberg, Roselee: Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present, Thames & Hudson, 2001 Katalog Katalog E-gradivo
- Heathfield, Adrian: Live Art and Performance, Routledge, New York, 2004 Katalog E-gradivo
- Jones, Amelia: Body Art uprizarjanje subjekta, Maska, Ljubljana, 2003
- Svet umetnosti – zborniki: SCCA – Zavod za sodobno umetnost Ljubljana, 1997 – 2008 (Strategije predstavljanja 2 in 3, Geopolitika in umetnost, Teorije razstavljanja) Katalog Katalog Katalog E-gradivo
- Urbanaria, Izdal: OSI-Slovenia (SCCA-Ljubljana), 1994, Uredila: Lilijana Stepančič. Katalog E-gradivo
- Videodokument, Video umetnost v slovenskem prostoru 1969-1998, Izdal OSI-Slovenia, (SCCA-Ljubljana), 1999-2000. Katalog Katalog E-gradivo
- Tanya Leighton, edit., Art and the Moving Image: A Critical Reader (Tate publishing, 2008) E-gradivo
- Nicholas Bourriaud, Relational Aesthetics, (Les presses du reel, 2002) E-gradivo
- John Berger, Ways of Seeing, (Penguin Books, 2003) Katalog E-gradivo
- Michael Kimmenman, The Accidental Masterpiece: On the Art of Life and Vice Versa, (Penguin Books, 2006) E-gradivo
- Linda Frye Burnham and Steven Durland, edit., The Citizen Artist, (Critical Press 1998)
- Martha Buskirk, The Contingent Object of Contemporary Art, (The MIT Press, 2003)
- Claire Bishop, edit., Participation, (The MIT Press, 2006) E-gradivo
- Suzi Gablik ,The Reenchantment of Art, (Thames and Hudson, 2002) E-gradivo
- Nicholas Mirzoeff, edit.,Visual Culture Reader, (Routledge, New York, 1998) E-gradivo
- Jacques Ranciere, The Future of Image (Verso, 2003)
- Gilles Deleuze, Cinema. Vol. 1, The movement-image; Vol. 2: The time-image Katalog-slov E-gradivo
- Grant Kester,The One and the Many: Contemporary Collaborative Art in a Global Context. Duke University Press, 2011 Katalog E-gradivo
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