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NM Novi mediji 2

Predmet se izvaja v programu:
Medijske umetnosti in prakse - podiplomski

Temeljna literatura in viri


  • Purg, Peter: The New Media Reader. Materials Compendium, UNG (to be published) 2012/13.
  • Tribe, Mark, Reena Jana: New Media Art, Introduction. Taschen. 2006. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Manovich, Lev: The Language of New Media. MIT Press. 2002. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Bush, Vannevar: As We May Think. In: Atlantic Monthly; July 1945: Volume 176, Number 1. Katalog E-gradivo


  • Chapman, Jenny, Nigel Chapman. Digital Multimedia. Wiley & Sons. 2009. Katalog E-gradivo
  • De Kerckhove, Derrick: The Skin of Culture. Kogan Page. 1998. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Fleischmann, Monika in Reinhard, Ulrike (Ur). Digital Transformations - Media Art as at the Interface between Art, Science, Economy and Society (2002)
  • Glazier, Loss Pequeno: Digital Poetics. The Making of E-Poetries. University Alabama Press. 2008. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Marshall, P. David. New Media Cultures. Oxford University Press. 2004. E-gradivo
  • Packer, Randall in Jordan, Ken (Ed.). Multimedia. From Wagner to Virtual Reality. W. W. Norton & Company. 2001. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Thissen, Frank in J. G. Rager. Screen Design Manual: Communicating Effectively Through Multimedia. Springer. 2004 (2012). Katalog E-gradivo
  • Wand, Bruce: Art of the Digital Age. Thames & Hudson. 2007. E-gradivo

  • (Additional, non-English) Purg, Peter:

  • (GER) “Hypertext as Form and Place of Collective Creativity” 2010, PFAU, Kunst und Technik in medialen Räumen.
  • (GER) ”Bodies in Interactive Space” (scientific monograph) 2007, VDM.
  • (SLO) ”The Art of Mixed Reality” 2010, Amfiteater.

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