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NM Fotografija 2

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Medijske umetnosti in prakse - podiplomski

Temeljna literatura in viri


  • Focal Encyclopedia of Photography, 4th Edition, Focal Press, London, 2007 Katalog E-gradivo
  • Michael, Langford, 7th Edition, Advanced Photography, Focal Press, London, 2008. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Tanhofer, Nikola, Filmska fotografija, Filmoteka 16, Zagreb,1981.
  • The Digital Photography Workflow Handbook, Steinmueller Photo, Heidelberg, 2010. E-gradivo
  • Blain, Brown, Motion Pictures and Video Lighting, 2th Edition, Focal Press, London, 2008 Katalog


  • McLuhan, Marshall, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, MIT Press, 1994 E-gradivo
  • Freund, Gisele, Photography and Society, David R Godine Pub,1980. E-gradivo
  • Barthes, Roland, Camera Lucida, Hill and Wang, 2010. Katalog E-gradivo
  • Flusser, Vilem, Towards a Philosophy of Photography, Reaktion Books, 2000. E-gradivo
  • Sontag, Susan, On Photography, Picador, 2001. Katalog