12 - Novi mediji III - D
Predmet se izvaja v programu:
Digitalne umetnosti in prakse - dodiplomski
Digitalne umetnosti in prakse - dodiplomski
Temeljna literatura in viri
- Chapman, Jenny in Nigel Chapman. Digital Multimedia. Chichester: Wiley & Sons. 2004. Katalog E-gradivo
- Purg, Peter. Uvod v medije. Ljubljana: IAM, 2008. E-gradivo
- Kindem, Gorham in Robert B. Musburger. Introduction to Media Production, The Path to Digital Media Production. London: Focal Press, 2004. Katalog E-gradivo
- Manovich, Lev. The Language of New Media. The MIT Press, 2002. Katalog E-gradivo
- Oblak T. in G. Petrič. Splet kot medij in mediji na spletu. Ljubljana: Zbirka Media, FDV, 2005. E-gradivo
- Thissen, Frank in J. G. Rager. Screen Design Manual: Communicating Effectively Through Multimedia. London: Springer, 2003. Katalog E-gradivo
- Wands, Bruce. Art of the Digital Age. Thames & Hudson, 2007. Katalog
- Espen J. J. Aarseth: Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature Katalog E-gradivo
- Mark Tribe, Reena Jana: New Media Art, Introduction Katalog E-gradivo https://wiki.brown.edu/confluence/display/MarkTribe/New+Media+Art+-+Introduction
- Rama Hoetzlein: What is New Media Art? E-gradivo http://www.rchoetzlein.com/theory/?p=11
- Rama Hoetzlein: Timeline of 20th c. Art and New Media E-gradivo http://www.rchoetzlein.com/theory/?p=42