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Engaging in research and projects

From the very beginning of their studies, our students can engage in research and project activities and thus gather specific experience and nurture their interests.

UNG offers great opportunities for engaging in research work in its well-equipped research laboratories and centres, which are located on the Schools' premises. UNG research units host practical laboratory sessions for students and other student project research activities.

Yet on the undergraduate level, the syllabi also comprise student project work and student research.

Examples of incorporating research work in the syllabi of first- and second-level study programmes:

At the third-level study programmes, research work is an indispensable part of PhD studies. PhD students can take advantage of the continuous support of professors and researchers at UNG, who are also renowned experts, and have the opportunity to collaborate with renowned world-famous scientific collaborations worldwide. Read more on the advantages of PhD studies at UNG and check the Graduate School's website for detailed descriptions of research topics and activities.

Student projects

As a smaller university, the University of Nova Gorica, with its individual approach to students, encourages the latter to take part in projects and other extracurricular study activities. In this way, the students can obtain experience in their professional field and develop their skills such as team work skills, problem-solving and communication skills, the ability to work in an international environment, to communicate in a foreign language, establishing contacts with business partners etc. All this can significantly enrich our students’ CVs and helps them establish contacts with potential employers.

Project work is carried out as part of the formal syllabi of study programmes, as well as in the form of extracurricular study activities.

Examples of students’ project work:

  • Group project work on students’ environmental projects* at the first-level study programme Environment (compulsory courses Introduction into Project Work and Group Project). Under the supervision of a mentor and in cooperation with third partners (companies, organisations), the students work on a common group project on a chosen environmental topic for three semesters. Read more.
  • INSPIRO – Innovative student projects in research environment
  • Past students' projects of the programme schemes A creative path towards knowledge/Po kreativni poti do znanja (PKP) and Students’ innovative projects for the society benefits (ŠIPK). In PKP projects, students, under the supervision of mentors and in cooperation with businesses, were seeking innovative solutions for challenges in the business and the non-profit sectors.

Examples of students’ participation in extracurricular study activities such as competitions: