Practically oriented studies, high employment prospects
We devote special attention to providing our students with enough opportunities for gathering practical experience.
Yet all undergraduate studies include practical placements and/or other forms of practically-oriented contents as we strongly believe that this significantly contributes to greater employment prospects of our graduates.
Our Career Centre devotes special attention to monitoring our graduates’ employment rate and to gathering feedback on the relevance of the graduates’ competences on the labour market.
Our high graduates’ employment rates are a result of our efforts in providing:
- interdisciplinary and up-to date study programmes, which are in line with the current labour market needs and give our students extensive knowledge;
- practically-oriented study programmes with practical placements, project work and other practically-oriented nd applicative contents and activities, teaching students how to transfer of knowledge into practice, how to successfully cooperate with the industry sector and to establish contacts with potential employers;
- career-orientation and job-seeking assistance offered to our students and graduates of the UNG Career Centre.
- the support to our students in developing extra skills and talents and realising their personal interests in various fields (eg. sports, art).
The statistics on the graduates’ employment rates for individual periods are available in theUNG annual self-evaluation reports and in the UNG annual reports.
Testimony of an undergraduate student of Engineering and Management, School of Engineering and Management
I decided to study engineering and management at the University of Nova Gorica because this study field is new and perspective in terms of great employment opportunities. After graduation you can practically get a job in any company.

Practical placement – statement of a student of Cultural History, School of Humanities