Bachelor’s study programme Cultural History (first cycle) (admission until 2022/23)

Study programme:Bachelor's study programme Cultural history (1st level)
Main fields of study:History
Programme code:1KZ
Programme cycle:First cycle academic degree
Name of the qualification:Diploma
Qualification title:diplomirani zgodovinar (UN) oziroma diplomirana zgodovinarka (UN)
Qualification abbreviation:dipl. zgod. (UN)
Final examination:no
Dean:prof. dr. Peter Purg

Programme description

The Cultural History program is an undergraduate study program leading to a university degree. The program covers all important topics in history science.

Admission requirements

Admission to this program is open to students who:

  • have passed the secondary school-leaving exam (matura)
  • had completed any secondary school program before June 1, 1995
  • have passed the final examination following a suitable vocational secondary school (vocational matura) in the field of: Early childhood education or Economic technician and an exam in History as part of the general matura exam. If the candi­date passed the subject of History in the vocational matura exam, the candidate must also complete an exam in one of the matura subjects of Geography, Art history or Sociology; the chosen subject must not be the one that the candidate has taken as part of the vocational matura.

If admission is subject to a quota, candidates with matura will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • overall achievement at the matura (60% of points)
  • overall achievement in the third and the fourth year of a secondary school (40% of points)

Candidates with poklicna matura will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • overall achievement at the poklicna matura (60% of points)
  • overall achievement in the third and the fourth year of a secondary school (30% of points)
  • grade achieved in a selected matura subject (10% of points)

Educational and professional goals

Temeljni cilj študijskega programa je izobraziti strokovnjake, ki bodo sposobni privzeti dela na področju raziskovalnih, kulturnih in upravnih dejavnostih, kjer je potrebno obvladovanje kulturnozgodovinskih znanj in veščin, ki jih zahtevajo pomožne zgodovinske vede. Najpomembnejša med njimi so tista, ki so povezana z varovanjem nepremične in premične kulturne dediščine (arhivarstvo, muzealstvo, dokumentaristika), z ohranjanjem naravne dediščine v pogojih, ki jih definira urbanizirana civilizacija, in z najraznovrstnejšim raziskovanjem preteklosti (od poljudnejšega na časnikarski ravni do zahtevnejšega domovinoznanstva in vrhunskega znanstvenega preučevanja).

Cilj izobraževanja po predlaganem programu je oblikovati diplomanta kot strokovno celovito osebnost, ki je sposobna razumeti in obvladovati zahtevna vprašanja kulturne zgodovine kot samostojne in enkratne pojave. Od diplomanta lahko pričakujemo uspešno preučevanje kulturnozgodovinskih vprašanj v odnosu do splošnih in specifičnih pojavov, ki so še posebej izraziti na stičišču različnih kulturnih in nacionalnih prostorov. Diplomant bo sposoben vzpostaviti celovite in tvorne odnose med strokovnjaki iz različnih znanstvenih diciplin, ki morajo nujno sodelovati pri reševanju praktičnih in raziskovalnih problemov na področju kulturne zgodovine. Usposobljen bo tudi za samostojno aplikativno delo.

Access to further studies

Graduates may continue with graduate study programs on condition that they meet the recommendations of the university offering graduate studies.


Oblike preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja pri posameznih predmetih so naslednje: pisni izpiti, ustni izpiti, kolokviji in seminarske naloge. Uspešno opravljene obveznosti iz vaj in seminarskih nalog so pogoj za pristop k izpitu. Študent zaključi študij z zagovorom diplomske naloge pred tričlansko komisijo.

1. year

Compulsory courses Hours ECTS
20th Century World Wars 240 8
Introduction to the Study of History 240 8
Law history 240 8
Political history of Habsburg Monarchy in 19. and 20. century 240 8
Society and culture of eastern Alps place from prehistory to high middle ages 240 8
General elective courses Hours ECTS
Archivistics 120 4
Cultural heritage in historical perspective 120 4
Digital humanities 180 4
Friulian language 120 4
Gender in the age of modernity* 120 4
History and literature 120 4
History of Science 120 4
Introduction to Diaspora Studies: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives 120 4
Italian Language I 120 4
Lectureship in English Language I 120 4
Memory and History 120 4
Physical Culture, Sport and Olympics in the History 120 4
Selected Topics in Cultural History 120 4
Selected chapters from political in cultural history of Yugoslavia 120 4
Selected chapters in the history of viticulture and enology 90 4
Slovene Performing Arts* 120 4
Slovene as a Foreign Language I* 180 6
The Methodology of the Empirical Work in the Humanities 120 4
Obligatory selective Hours ECTS
German Language I 240 8
Latin I 240 8

2. year

Compulsory courses Hours ECTS
Ancient East and the Culture of Greco-Roman World 240 8
Cultural History of Slovene Place 240 8
Culture of regions and boundaries 240 8
Economic History 240 8
Feudal Society Culture 240 8
General elective courses Hours ECTS
Archivistics 120 4
Critical Writing in Art 120 4
Cultural heritage in historical perspective 120 4
Digital humanities 180 4
Friulian language 120 4
Gender in the age of modernity* 120 4
History and literature 120 4
History of Science 120 4
Introduction to Diaspora Studies: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives 120 4
Italian Language I 120 4
Italian Language II 120 4
Lectureship in English Language II 120 4
Memory and History 120 4
Physical Culture, Sport and Olympics in the History 120 4
Selected Topics in Cultural History 120 4
Selected chapters from political in cultural history of Yugoslavia 120 4
Selected chapters in the history of viticulture and enology 90 4
The Methodology of the Empirical Work in the Humanities 120 4
Obligatory selective Hours ECTS
German Language II 240 8
Latin II 240 8

3. year

Compulsory courses Hours ECTS
Agricultural History 240 8
Basic Sciences of History 240 8
Diploma Thesis 360 12
Europe in the Period of Revolutions 240 8
History of Historiography 240 8
Practical Placement 80 4
General elective courses Hours ECTS
Archivistics 120 4
Critical Writing in Art 130 4
Cultural heritage in historical perspective 120 4
Digital humanities 120 4
Friulian language 120 4
Gender in the age of modernity* 120 4
History and literature 120 4
History of Science 120 4
Introduction to Diaspora Studies: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives 120 4
Memory and History 120 4
Physical Culture, Sport and Olympics in the History 120 4
Selected Topics in Cultural History 120 4
Selected chapters from political in cultural history of Yugoslavia 120 4
Selected chapters in the history of viticulture and enology 90 4
The Methodology of the Empirical Work in the Humanities 120 4