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Digital Humanities

Study programme:Digital Humanities, interdisciplinary programme
Main fields of study:Humanities / Computer sciences / Information sciences / Visual and multimedia communication design
Programme code:2DH
Programme cycle:Second cycle master’s degree
Name of the qualification:Master's
Qualification title:MA in Digital humanities
Qualification abbreviation:mag. dig. hum.
Final examination:no
Dean:prof. dr. Peter Purg

Programme description

Flyer - a short presentation of the programme

The interdisciplinary programme in Digital humanities is a two year university masters study programme. In its interdisciplinary foundation it is, on one hand, a continuation and specialisation of three year study programmes in the fields of humanities, including the programmes in Slovene studies and Cultural history. On the other hand, it is also intended for the graduated students of computer sciences and information sciences as it focuses the students on the work within the field of digital humanities. Due to differences pertaining to the competences of enrolled students of three year undergraduate study programmes, the proposed programme is laid as a methodological reflection and is project oriented. It aims to upgrade the subject specific competences of undergraduate studies within the context of new information technologies and the changes the latter have produced in society and culture. On the horizontal level, the study programme is related to the masters studies in the fields of humanities and computer and information sciences (within the scope of elective subjects).

Within the wider context of modern university educational practice, Digital humanities is still in the process of early recognition, though as a field of research practice its impact on the humanities as a whole has undoubtedly been significant. The programme establishes a balance between the humanities and computer sciences, different as they are at the methodological level. It focuses on the fundamental changes in man's self-understanding, changes which occur with the use of telecommunications and computer-assisted data processing. To these two disciplinary emphases, a lower percentage of academic contents is added from the fields of visual communications.

The interdisciplinary study programme has been developed in cooperation with the School of Humanities, School of Engineering and Management and School of Arts.

According to the undergraduate diploma competences of the students the programme is split into two parallel lines. In view of the interdisciplinary nature of the digital humanities domain, the two approaches are closely scrutinized and their points of contact are foregrounded. In the first year some courses are conducted for the two groups separately, later the courses bring all the students together.

Information sciences graduate Humanities graduate
1st year
Introduction to digital humanities Introduction to digital humanities
Humanities Computer programming
Graphic design (Selections in practice) Graphic design (Selections in practice)
ELECTIVE COURSE (Information sciences) ELECTIVE COURSE (Humanities)
Representation and interpretation of complex environments Representation and interpretation of complex environments
Digital sources and databases Digital sources and databases
Video and motion graphics Video and motion graphics
2nd year
Information graphics Information graphics
ELECTIVE COURSE (Humanities) ELECTIVE COURSE (Information sciences)
ELECTIVE COURSE (Information sciences) ELECTIVE COURSE (Information sciences)

Admission requirements

A completed study programme at the first degree level, with at least 180 ECTS, in the fields of Humanities and Computer and Information sciences.

Educational and professional goals

The educational aim of the proposed programme is for the students to develop into wholesome professionals capable of understanding and mastering the demanding issues related to the general processes of the digitalisation of culture and the methods of the humanistic studies. The aim is also to educate students so that they may develop into experts who would be able to have a simultaneous insight into humanistic researches and their methodological issues on one hand, and computer and information issues on the other hand, particularly from the point of view of computer-assissted procedures in modern communication, representational practice, culture and humanistic researches; and who would develop sensibility for transverbal, multi-representational modes of communication in the new media. After completing the study programme, the students will be able to get engaged in their own, independent professional work; within a specific company or organisation working in the fields of humanities using computer and multi-presentation tools.

The interdisciplinary aspect of the study programme can be seen in the moving focus within the range of relevant competences, which are the result of the studying process. All students will obtain a deep understanding of the methodological issues involved in the interdisciplinary field of Digital humanities, as the fundamental aim of the programme. Differences among students will occur when it comes to a) the specific competences within a particular branch of the humanities, since knowledge and skills of the three year study programme will be upgraded by one's selecting a range of appropriate elective subjectives, b) whether the student has studied a three year study programme in Computer and information sciences or whether the student has studied a humanistic study programme.

The other fundamental aim of the masters programme is to educate and train students who would be able to work in interdisciplinary groups that comprise of experts from diverse scientific fields, and with diverse methodological paradigms which do not necessarily share the same basic research assumptions.

The learning outcomes will have been tested against the achieved objectives: if and how the graduated student has connected the respective interdisciplinary field of his masters thesis with his later professional and research work; if and how cooperation among experts from diverse fields of study has taken place during the studying process and after it.

Access to further studies

With a Master’s degree in hand, the students can enroll in any PhD programme with limitations imposed by the specific programmes.