Internet of things
Digital Humanities, interdisciplinary programme
Objectives and competences
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basic knowledge of information science and networking of smart devices. This course will introduce the new era of digital devices and the importance of their connectivity. Students will be trained to understand the basic principles of smart devices within the network, intercommunication and communication with devices.
Basic knowledge of computer use, network technologies and internet.
• Basic knowledge of information technology:
◦ Introduction to informatics
◦ Introduction to communication
◦ Digital storage
• Smart devices:
◦ Embedded systems
◦ Sensors
◦ Intelligent devices
• Devices, internet & networks:
◦ Local networks and servers
◦ Measurement, control with devices
◦ Communication technologies
◦ Multimedia
• Data and information
◦ Big data
◦ Databases
• Applications in the internet of things
◦ Environmental monitoring
◦ Infrastructure management
◦ Smart manufacturing
◦ Energy management
◦ Medical & Healthcare systems
◦ Home automation
• Security and privacy:
◦ Open digital content
◦ Privacy and digital rights
• Implications for society
Intended learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand and use:
• basic concepts of information science and computer networks
• connected devices and their interactions
• basic communication software
L. Kostrevc , Računalništvo in informatika, Ljubljana : Pasadena, 2001 (Ljubljana : Tiskarna Ljubljana)
M. P. Clark, Data networks, IP, and the Internet : protocols, design, and operation, Chichester : Wiley, cop. 2003
Alur, Rajeev, Principles of cyber-physical systems, Cambridge (Massachusetts) ; London (England) : The MIT Press, 2015
Hwang Kai, Fox Geoffrey C., Dongarra Jack. v Distributed and cloud computing : from parallel processing to the Internet of things. Waltham : Morgan Kaufmann, cop. 2012
O. Hersent, D. Boswarthick, O.Elloumi, The internet of things : key applications and protocols. Chichester : Wiley, 2012
M. Miller, The Internet of things : how smart TVs, smart cars, smart homes, and smart cities are changing the world, Indianapolis (Indiana) : Que, cop. 2015
A. Škraba, R. Stojanović, A.Zupan, A.Koložvari, D.Kofjač, Speech-controlled cloud-based wheelchair platform for disabled persons, Microprocessors and microsystems ISSN: 0141-9331.- Vol. 39, no. 8 (nov. 2015), str. 819-828
Successfully accomplished final written exam and seminar work. The seminar work verifies the ability to use and integrate the smart devices into the network and prepare presentation. The final written examination assesses knowledge of the basic concepts of informatics, understanding of computer networks and communication protocols.
Lecturer's references
Prof. dr. Imre Cikajlo received his PhD degree in robotics and electrical engineering from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2003. From 2003 until 2004 he was a post-doc fellow at the Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan and in 2007 a visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo, Japan. Currently he is a Senior Research Associate at the University rehabilitation institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia and an Associate Professor at the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Prof.Cikajlo took part in several EU-FP7 projects (GENTLE/S, MIMICS, CORBYS), H2020 (PD_manager) and startup (MindMyths Ltd.) and company supported projects (Gorenje). He published more than 30 journal papers, altogether more than 100 papers, book chapters and books. In 2000 he received the Prešeren Award from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. His research interests include human motion analysis and synthesis, biomechanics, integration of sensory information, control of machine and human movements and rehabilitation robotics. Currently he is involved in the development of rehabilitation devices and procedures that may be used in clinical and/or home environment through application of telerehabilitation techniques and introduction of virtual reality in rehabilitation. He is also a member of ISVR, IFMBE and IEEE.
Selected bibliography:
CIKAJLO, Imre, KRPIČ, Andrej. Postural responses of young adults to collision in virtual world combined with horizontal translation of haptic floor. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, ISSN 1534-4320. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 22, no. 4, str. 899-907
CIKAJLO, Imre. Concept of the diagnostic tool for balance telerehabilitation of subjects with stroke. Journal of medical and biological engineering, ISSN 1609-0985, 2014, vol. 34, no. 4, str. 319-326
KRPIČ, Andrej, SAVANOVIĆ, Arso, CIKAJLO, Imre. Telerehabilitation : remote multimedia supported assistance and mobile monitoring of balance training outcomes can facilitate the clinical staff's effort. Int. j. rehabil. res., 2013, vol. 36, no. 2, str. 162-171
CIKAJLO, Imre, RUDOLF, Marko, GOLJAR, Nika, BURGER, Helena, MATJAČIĆ, Zlatko. Telerehabilitation using virtual reality task can improve balance in patients with stroke. Disabil. rehabil.. [Print ed.], 2012, vol. 34, no. 1, str. 13-18
PERRY, Joel C., OBLAK, Jakob, JUNG, Je H., CIKAJLO, Imre, VENEMAN, Jan F., GOLJAR, Nika, BIZOVIČAR, Nataša, MATJAČIĆ, Zlatko, KELLER, Thierry. Variable structure pantograph mechanism with spring suspension system for comprehensive upper-limb haptic movement training. J. rehabil. res. dev.. [Print ed.], 2011, vol. 48, no. 4, str. 317-333
EMBORG, Jonas, MATJAČIĆ, Zlatko, BENDTSEN, Jan D., SPAICH, Erika G., CIKAJLO, Imre, GOLJAR, Nika, ANDERSEN, Ole Kaeseler. Design and test of a novel closed-loop system that exploits the nociceptive withdrawal reflex for swing-phase support of the hemiparetic gait. IEEE trans. biomed. eng., Apr. 2011, vol. 58, no. 4, str. 960-970
OBLAK, Jakob, CIKAJLO, Imre, MATJAČIĆ, Zlatko. Universal haptic drive : a robot for arm and wrist rehabilitation. IEEE trans. neural syst. rehabil. eng.. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 18, no. 3, str. 293-302,
CIKAJLO, Imre, MATJAČIĆ, Zlatko. Directionally specific objective postural response assessment tool for treatment evaluation in stroke patients. IEEE trans. neural syst. rehabil. eng.. [Print ed.], 2009, vol. 17, no. 1, str. 91-100
CIKAJLO, Imre, MATJAČIĆ, Zlatko, BAJD, Tadej. Efficient FES triggering applying Kalman filter during sensory supported treadmill walking. J. med. eng. technol.. [Print ed.], 2008, vol. 32, no. 2, str. 133-144
CIKAJLO, Imre, MATJAČIĆ, Zlatko. The influence of boot stiffness on gait kinematics and kinetics during stance phase. Ergonomics, 2007, vol. 50, no. 12, str. 2171-2182
KAWANISHI, Tsutomu, KANOH, Shin'ichiro, CIKAJLO, Imre, FUTAMI, Ryoko. Development of EMG-driven type lower limb FES control system. Denshi Jäohäo Tsäushin Gakkai gijutsu kenkyäu häokoku, 2004, vol. 104, no. 429, str. 57-60