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Introduction to Digital Humanities

This course is part of the programme
Digital Humanities, interdisciplinary programme

Objectives and competences

Knowledge of the basic concepts of the areas delineated by the term digital humanities. The relation between the idea of digital humanities and the humanities traditions. Overview of the area.


Enrolment in the study program.


  1. Introduction
    Aims and purpose of the course
    Syllabus presentation
    Presentation of teaching tools, resources and course execution
    Students' obligations
    Study instructions and suggestions

  2. Contents
    What is the digital humanities?
    Examples of practices in digital humanities (overview)
    Attempt at a typology and mapping of digital humanities
    Digital Humanities in relation to the theory and practice of new media
    Is there such a thing as an artistic research?
    Methodological issues of digital humanities research
    Interdisciplinary integration of the different disciplines of humanities, computer science and various branches of art and design
    Semiotics of automatons and interpretation
    Text markup, simulation, artificial intelligence etc.
    Digital editions. Information visualization. Serious computer video-games. Open source and Creative Commons. Crowdsourcing, group-sourcing.
    World Wide Web, Web 2.0, mobile networked screen-devices, the integration of the human body and technological devices.

Intended learning outcomes

Students will learn the basic concepts of digital humanities practice.

They will be able to independently build their knowledge with help of the scholarly literature.


Bovcon, Narvika. "Jezik gibljivih slik v računalniških vizualizacijah literarnozgodovinske podatkovne zbirke." Primerjalna književnost 37.2(2014):119-133, 235-242, 244. http://www.dlib.si/?URN=URN:NBN:SI:DOC-MJC6OIIZ.
Narvika Bovcon. Umetnost v svetu pametnih strojev. Raziskovalni inštitut Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, 2009. http://usps.bovcon.com.
Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, Todd Presner, Jeffrey Schnapp. Digital_Humanities. Cambirdge, Massachusetts & London: The MIT Press, 2012. 26. 10. 2015 http://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/titles/content/9780262018470_Open_Access_Edition.pdf.
A Companion to Digital Humanities. Susan Schreibman, Ray Simens, John Unsworth, ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. 26. 10. 2015 http://www.digitalhumanities.org/companion.
A Companion to Digital Literary Studies. Ray Siemens, Susan Schreibman (ed.). Oxford: Blackwell, 2008. 19 Jan. 2016 http://www.digitalhumanities.org/companionDLS.
Manovich, Lev. »Computational humanities vs. digital humanities.« Software Studies Initiative. 2012. 19 Jan. 2016 http://lab.softwarestudies.com/2012/03/computational-humanities-vs-digital.html.
Lev Manovich. The Language of New Media. The MIT Press, 2001.
Janez Strehovec. Besedilo in novi mediji. LUD Literatura, 2007.
Svensson, Patrik. »The Landscape of Digital Humanities.« dhq 4.1(2010). Web. 20 Jan. 2016 http://digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/4/1/000080/000080.html.
Understanding Digital Humanities. David M. Berry, ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Znanstvene izdaje in elektronski medij. Matija Ogrin, ur. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2005. 26. 10. 2015 http://nl.ijs.si/e-zrc/bib/eziss-knjiga.pdf


Oral examination (25%), coursework (25%), seminar work (25%), project (25%).

Lecturer's references

Assist. Prof. Dr. Aleš Vaupotič is a lecturer in literature at the School of humanities and the head of the Research centre for humanities, University of Nova Gorica. His research areas include literary realism, theory of new media art, and theory of discourse. He is also a video and new media artist. Selected articles:

VAUPOTIČ, Aleš. Teorija tehno-slike Viléma Flusserja. V: ZORMAN, Barbara (ur.), VAUPOTIČ, Aleš (ur.). Literatura in gibljive slike : tematski sklop = Literature and moving images : thematic section, (Primerjalna književnost, ISSN 0351-1189, letn. 37, št. 2). Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost, 2014, str. 151-163. [COBISS.SI-ID 55122274]
BOVCON, Narvika, VAUPOTIČ, Aleš, KLEMENC, Bojan, SOLINA, Franc. "Atlas 2012" augmented reality : a case study in the domain of fine arts. V: First International Conference, SouthCHI 2013, Maribor, Slovenia, July 1-3, 2013. HOLZINGER, Andreas (ur.), et al. Human factors in computing and informatics : proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science, ISSN 0302-9743, 7946). Heidelberg [etc.]: Springer, cop. 2013, str. 477-496, ilustr. http://eprints.fri.uni-lj.si/2098/. [COBISS.SI-ID 2782459]
VAUPOTIČ, Aleš. The book and the World Wide Web. Primer. književ., jun. 2012, letn. 35, št. 1, str. 201-211, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 49282658]
VAUPOTIČ, Aleš. Peirceova teorija raziskave kot poetološki model : primer literarnega realizma = Peirce's theory of inquiry as a poetological model : the case of literary realism. V: ŠKULJ, Jola (ur.), HABJAN, Jernej (ur.). Živo branje : literatura, znanost in humanistika : literature, science and the humanities, (Primerjalna književnost, letn. 35, št. 2). Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost, 2012, avg. 2012, letn. 35, št. 2, str. 83-93, 225-236. [COBISS.SI-ID 49711970]
VAUPOTIČ, Aleš. Kdo izbere, kaj bralec bere? Kibertekstualna perspektiva = Who chooses what the reader reads? The cybertextual perspective. V: DOVIĆ, Marijan (ur.), HABJAN, Jernej (ur.), VAUPOTIČ, Aleš (ur.). "Kdo izbere?" : Literatura in literarno posredništvo : Literature and literary mediation, (Primerjalna književnost, letn. 33, št. 2). Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost, avg. 2010, str. 151-161, 321-331. [COBISS.SI-ID 43258466]
VAUPOTIČ, Aleš. Realism revisited : Dicken's Hard Times as a narrativized archive. V: MONTANDON, Alain (ur.). Fortunes et infortunes des genres littéraires, (Caietele Echinox, vol. 16). Cluj-Napoca: Université "Babeş-Bolyai", Le Centre de Recherches sur l'Imaginaire: University Phantasma, The Center for Imagination Studies, 2009, str. 175-185. [COBISS.SI-ID 2190075]
VAUPOTIČ, Aleš. Literarno-estetski doživljaj in novi mediji - prihodnost literature?. Primer. književ., 2007, letn. 30, št. 1, str. 203-216. [COBISS.SI-ID 34809186]