Digital sources and databases
Digital Humanities, interdisciplinary programme
Objectives and competences
The objective of the course is to make the students familiar to the basic knowledge of creation of digital contents and mastering of digital sources and databases with a particular focus on application in humanities. This course will enable students to apply the acquired knowledge to relevant practical situations in the field of humanities. In this way, students of humanities will be able to master the digital sources and databases.
Basic knowledge of computer and internet.
Basic knowledge of digital content creation:
Introduction to informatics
Digital content creation
Digital storage
Digital document classification
Mastering digital sources:
Digital sources
Digital resource management
Management of databases:
Introduction to databases
Content management systems
Databases in the humanities
Basics of database searching
Accessibility and privacy:
Open digital content
Privacy and digital rights
Use of tools for working with databases
Electronic text encoding
Electronic spreadsheets software
Database management software
Geographic information systems in humanities
Use of Internet as a source of information
Intended learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand and use essential concepts of information science, digital sources and databases, different types of application software, internet sources.
Battelle, J. (2010). Iskanje: kako so Google in njegovi tekmeci na novo napisali pravila posla in preoblikovali našo kulturo. Ljubljana: Pasadena.
Bodenhamer, D. J., Corrigan, J., Harris, T.M. (2010). The Spatial Humanities: GIS and the Future of Humanities Scholarship. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Bogataj Jančič, M. (2008). Avtorsko pravo v digitalni dobi: problematika zaščite avtorskih del s tehnološkimi ukrepi. Ljubljana: Pasadena.
Chapman, N. P., Chapman, J. (2011) Digital multimedia. Chichester: J. Wiley & Sons.
Connolly, T., Begg, C. E. (2015) Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management. Boston: Pearson
Coughlin, T. M. (2008). Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide. Burlington: Elsevier.
Gradišar, M., Jaklič, J., Turk, T. (2012). Osnove poslovne informatike. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta.
Harvey, R. (2010). Digital Curation: A How-To-Do-It Manual. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
Hoffer, J. A., Ramesh, V., Topi, H. (2013 ali 2016). Modern Database Management. New Jersey : Pearson Education.
Prof. dr. Marko Bohanec is a senior researcher at the Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and (full) professor of computer science at the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. His major research interests are related to decision analysis, decision support systems and data mining, and in particular to qualitative hierarchical modeling and machine learning. He developed a number of decision modelling decision programs, such as DECMAK, DEX and DEXi, and a number of specific decision support systems, such as Ptah, Talent, ESQI and SMAC Advisor. He has extensive experience in European projects as decision analyst and developer of decision support applications.
Lecturer's references
Prof. dr. Marko Bohanec is a senior researcher at the Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and (full) professor of computer science at the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. His major research interests are related to decision analysis, decision support systems and data mining, and in particular to qualitative hierarchical modeling and machine learning. He developed a number of decision modelling decision programs, such as DECMAK, DEX and DEXi, and a number of specific decision support systems, such as Ptah, Talent, ESQI and SMAC Advisor. He has extensive experience in European projects as decision analyst and developer of decision support applications.
Selected bibliography
BOHANEC, Marko. Odločanje in modeli, (Učbeniki in priročniki). 1. ponatis. Ljubljana: DMFA - založništvo, 2012. XV, 313 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-212-190-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 260642816]
BOHANEC, Marko, et al. (12 co-authors): The Co-Extra decision support system : a model-based integration of project results. V: BERTHEAU, Yves (ur.). Genetically modified and non-genetically modified food supply chains : co-existence and traceability. Chichester: Blackwell, 2013, str. 459-489. [COBISS.SI-ID 2676303]
ŽNIDARŠIČ, Martin, BOHANEC, Marko, ZUPAN, Blaž. Modelling impacts of cropping systems: demands and solutions for DEX methodology. European Journal of Operational Research. [Print ed.], 2008, vol. 189, no. 3, str. 594-608,. [COBISS.SI-ID 21318439]
BOHANEC, Marko, RAJKOVIČ, Vladislav, BRATKO, Ivan, ZUPAN, Blaž, ŽNIDARŠIČ, Martin. DEX methodology: Thirthy three years of qualitative multi-attribute modeling. Zbornik 15. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2012, 8.-12. oktober 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia : zvezek A : volume A, (Informacijska družba). Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2012, str. 31-34. [COBISS.SI-ID 26184231]
BOHANEC, Marko. DEXi : program for multi-attibute decision making user's manual: Version 3.04, (IJS delovno poročilo, 11153). 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26298919]