Jobs external
Assistant PhD student in the field of theoretical and experimental linguistics with a focus on Russian syntax and syntactic processing (m/f)
University of Nova Gorica has open position of assistant PhD student in the field of theoretical and experimental linguistics with a focus on Russian syntax and syntactic processing.
Deadline for applications: 4. 7. 2023
Jobs external
13. 6. 2023
Strokovni sodelavec s področja kemije (m/ž)
Univerza v Novi Gorici razpisuje prosto delovno mesto strokovnega sodelavca s področja kemije.
Rok za prijavo do: 3. 7. 2023
Jobs external
12. 6. 2023
Professional associate (m/f)
University of Nova Gorica has open position of professional associate in the International and Project Office.
Deadline for application: 25. 6. 2023
Jobs external
2. 6. 2023
Dean of School of engeneering and management (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica is seeking to fill a job position of dean of School of engeneering and management.
Deadline for applications: 29. 5. 2023
Jobs external
9. 5. 2023
Full professor in the field of electrical engineering (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica has a vacancy for the position of full professor in the field of electrical engineering.
Deadline for applications: 29. 5. 2023
Jobs external
9. 5. 2023
Postdoctoral researcher at the rank of assistant with PhD or assistant professor in the theoretical linguistics or various branches of experimental linguistics (m/f)
University of Nova Gorica invites applications for up to four positions of postdoctoral researcher at the rank of assistant with PhD or assistant professor in the theoretical linguistics or various branches of experimental linguistics.
Deadline for applications: 17. 5. 2023
Jobs external
17. 4. 2023
Expert in the field of instrumental analysis (m/f)
University of Nova Gorica has an open position for an expert in the field of instrumental analysis.
Deadline for applications: 24. 4. 2023
Jobs external
29. 3. 2023
Strokovni sodelavec / Samostojni strokovni sodelavec s področja gospodarskega inženiringa (m/ž)
Univerza v Novi Gorici objavlja prosto delovno mesto strokovnega sodelavca / samostojnega strokovnega sodelavca s področja gospodarskega inženiringa.
Rok za prijavo do: 5. 5. 2023
Jobs external
28. 3. 2023
Assistant young researcher (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica is offering positions of assistant young researchers.
Deadline for applications: 15. 5. 2023
Jobs external
15. 3. 2023
Dean of School for viticulture and enology (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica is seeking to fill a job position of dean of School for viticulture and enology.
Deadline for applications: 30. 4. 2023
Jobs external
7. 3. 2023
Head of Centre of cognitive science of language (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica is seeking to fill a job position of head of Centre for cognitive science of language.
Deadline for applications: 24. 3. 2023
Jobs external
3. 3. 2023
Post-doctoral researcher in the filed of physics (m/f)
University of Nova Gorica announces an open position for post-doctoral researcher in the filed of physics.
Deadline for applications: 30. 4. 2023
Jobs external
20. 2. 2023
Expert in the field of instrumental analysis (m/f)
University of Nova Gorica has an open position for an expert in the field of instrumental analysis.
Deadline for applications: 9. 3. 2023
Jobs external
15. 2. 2023
SMASH Open Call 1 - 2023
The University of Nova Gorica is offering the positions of postdoc researchers in SMASH project.
The call deadline is Saturday, April 15th, 2023, 23:59 CET.
Jobs external
14. 2. 2023
Post-doctoral associate in the field of slovene studies and lecturer for slovene language (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica has a vacancy for a post-doctoral associate in the field of slovene studies and lecturer for slovene language.
Dealine for applications: 15. 2. 2023
Jobs external
26. 1. 2023
Postdoctoral associate in the field of climate change (m/f)
University of Nova Gorica has opend a call for the employment of postdoctoral associate in the field of climate change.
Deadline for applications: 17. 1. 2023.
Jobs external
23. 12. 2022
Postdoctoral researcher in the field of protein nanoparticles (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica is offering the position of postdoctoral researcher in the field of protein nanoparticles.
Deadline for applications: 15. 1. 2023
Jobs external
22. 12. 2022
Post-doctoral researcher in the filed of physics (m/f)
University of Nova Gorica announces an open position for post-doctoral researcher in the filed of physics.
Deadline for applications: 15. 1. 2023
Jobs external
21. 12. 2022
Tehnični sodelavec za informacijsko podporo (m/ž)
Univerza v Novi Gorici objavlja dve prosti delovni mesti tehničnega sodelavca za informacijsko podporo.
Rok za prijavo: 6. 1. 2023
Jobs external
15. 12. 2022
Sistemski vzdrževalec (m/ž)
Univerza v Novi Gorici objavlja delovno mesto sistemskega vzdrževalca.
Rok za prijavo: 6. 1. 2023
Jobs external
12. 12. 2022