University of Nova Gorica aims to be an independent, research oriented and student friendly university, where knowledge is formed within a harmonious relationship between students and researchers, so that the knowledge can be transferred to younger generations and into business environment.

The University of Nova Gorica aims to be a research, internationally established university, which will be recognised as a driving force of social development in the region and in a wider context. With its innovative teaching approaches in both Slovene and English, the university aims to develop teaching excellence at its contemporary study programmes, thereby securing a high level of employability to home and international students.
The university will endorse its motto Scientia vinces (“with knowledge to victory”) by providing a creative environment for researchers, professors and students, thereby enabling opportunities for top achievement results in the cutting-edge fields of science, technology and art.
The University of Nova Gorica participates in international cooperation with similar institutions around the world. It takes special care to promote multidisciplinary research and programmes designed to build partnerships between industry and academia, with the hope of creating a better society both at local and global levels.
UNG at a Glance
- Strategy of development
- Organisational Structure
- Administration
- Contacts for all locations and offices
- History
- UNG Symbols
- Annual reports
- Staff structure
- Associate and student awards
- Honorary Titles and Recognitions
- Important positions of colleagues
- Quality assurance of pedagogical and research activities
- Equality
- Mental health
- Regulations

- Laboratory for Environmental and Life Sciences
- Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics
- Materials Research Laboratory
- Laboratory of Quantum Optics
- Center for Astrophysics and Cosmology
- Center for Atmospheric Research
- Centre for Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics
- Research Centre for Humanities
- Wine Research Centre
- Center for Cognitive Science of Language

Contacs and locations
The close connection of the town of Nova Gorica with the Italian neighbour, Gorizia, enables students different forms of co-operation in the field of youth cultural and entertainment activity. Staying in the Vipava Valley offers a number of opportunities for actively spending one’s free time. The position of Nova Gorica also enables a quick jump to the cultural centre of the northern Italy – Venice, or a half hour drive to the beautiful coast of the Adriatic Sea. The Soča Valley is also nearby, with an exceptional offer of active relaxation and the gathering of strength in unspoilt nature.