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Mental health

The national programme for mental health

The MIRA programme (https://www.zadusevnozdravje.si/) is the National programme for mental health, which is the first strategic document in the Republic of Slovenia which tackles and orders the field of mental health. The programme connects the existing and adds new services and structures and thus responds to the needs of the people in the field of mental health. The main focus of the programme is the strengthening of mental health and prevention and comprehensive treatment of mental disturbances. With this purpose in mind, the programme connects the services of all responsible sectors, that is, of the health system, social care, upbringing and education. The aim of the programme is to establish a good supporting environment in all fields of mental health care.

Mental balance is a ground for a good general well-being so that we may experience our life as meaningful, satisfactory and fulfilling; be creative, active, productive and realise our potentials; be able to accept ourselves and others, be aware of our own value and have a positive self-image; be able to have confidence in ourselves and our abilities; be able to face daily life burdens and harmonize our own emotions and moods; have quality and close relationships with other persons; to feel that we belong to the community and the environment in which we live and hence be able to contribute to their development and progress in a better way.

Noone among us is entirely immune to the possible difficulties in mental health and each one of us, at a certain point of our life, might experience distress when it comes to one or more fields of mental health functioning.

A particular difficulty or distress in mental health does not necessarily imply a mental disturbance. Some daily sadness may not be depression and some form of fear may not imply anxiety disturbance. We tend to feel a whole range of various emotions. Sadness, fear, anger, shame, insecurity as well as joy and contentment can all normally appear in our daily life.

Here is some very useful help:

Psychological first aid: https://www.zadusevnozdravje.si/pomagam-drugemu/psiholoska-prva-pomoc/

Instructions on how to help persons in mental distress: https://www.zadusevnozdravje.si/pomagam-drugemu/kako-pomagam/

Grounding techniques: https://www.zadusevnozdravje.si/pomagam-sebi/nasveti-za-boljse-pocutje/tehnika-pizemljitve-nam-lahko-pomaga-ko-nas-preplavijo-mocna-custva/


Centre for psychological councelling: https://posvet.org/

The centre's programme offers individual treatment to persons, couples and families who experience emotional distress, who are not able to deal with their emotions on their own and need some professional help.

The network of psychological centres: https://posvet.org/kontakt/

Phone numbers for help in distress:

Phone call in mental distress 00386 1 520 99 00 (every day between 7pm and 7am).

Confidential phone numbers: »Samarijan« and »Sopotnik« 116 123 (24 hours a day, every day); the phone call is free of charge.

TOM phone number for children and adolescents: 116 111 (every day between 12am and 8pm); the phone call is free of charge.

SOS phone number for women and children victims of violence: 080 11 55 (24 hours a day, every day); the phone call is free of charge.

If you need help, you can contact the confidential persons who provide support and help to victims of sexual haressment and other forms of abuse: https://www.ung.si/sl/o-univerzi/enake-moznosti/:

Mental health of students: https://www.ung.si/sl/studij/studentski-vodnik/dusevo-zdravje-studentov/