
Humanities (III. level)

Supervisor of a doctoral student must be a university teacher, holding a title Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor, or researcher with a doctoral degree, with research experiences in the field of the dissertation topic. Supervisors can also be external, not necessarily employed at UNG.

Student can have one or two supervisors. Two supervisors are nominated when the topic of dissertation is interdisciplinary and one supervisor cannot offer adequate expert support in all fields included in the dissertation topic. In case that the candidate has two supervisors, they are considered at the same rank, and take same responsibilities for the student.

Supervisor must offer doctoral student adequate expert support and advice regarding the preparation of the dissertation from the point of view of the scientific content, scientific and technical terminology, and proper layout of the dissertation.

The supervisor of the student cannot be a member of the commission for the evaluation of the dissertation. The supervisors have to attend the dissertation defence but they are not eligible to vote.

Students select working supervisor at the beginning of the study, immediately after enrolment in the study program, and informs the director of the study program about his choice. Working supervisor offers doctoral student adequate expert support and advice regarding the choice of the research field and dissertation topic, and according with the research direction, advices the student which elective courses to choose on the program.

The supervisors are formally nominated by the Senate of UNG, at the same time as the Senate nominates the members of the evaluation commission for the dissertation and approves the dissertation title and topic. The director of the study program submits to the Senate of UNG the proposal for nomination of the student supervisor(s), together with the proposal of the members of the evaluation commission for the dissertation evaluation, and the students’ argumentation of the dissertation topic. Doctoral students must submit argumentation of the dissertation topic latest by the end of the second year of study, as defined in the Formal procedures for the submission, examination and defence of the dissertation.

Prof. dr. Žarko Lazarević

Research fields: Žarko Lazarević completed his PhD studies at University of Ljubljana in 1992 in the subject of debt-based financing of the modernisation of Slovene agriculture from the mid-19th century to WW II. The subjects of his research work later extend from the development in agriculture, the industrialisation process, cooperative societies, entrepreneurism, and the role of nationalism in economy, representation and perceptions of national interest, consumerism and advertising to the development of financial sector in Slovenia within the European context in the period of late 19. and 20th Century. He complements his engagement in research with researching the influence of economic processes to social structure and, within this framework, especially on long-term structural changes in the economic-social image of Slovenia within comparative extensions of the 19th and 20th century European economic environment. In last years he started intensive study of school history, textbooks, their structures, perceptions and presentations in correlation with general trends in academic historiography. He is currently affiliated at Institute of Contemporary history/ Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino in Ljubljana as a scientific councillor. Besides conducting research work he also gives lectures as a professor of economic history at the Department of History, University of Nova Gorica.

Prof. dr. Aleksej Kalc

W: Personal page

Adjunct prof. dr. Leonora Flis

Research fields: Literary theory, intercultural studies, adaptation studies (film and literature), graphic novel, literary journalism, literary translation, English, contemporary (post WW II) British and American Literature
W: Personal page

Assoc. prof. dr. Aleš Vaupotič

Research fields:
1 Humanities, comparative art studies, comparative literature.
2 Research interests:
2.1 theory and history of new media;
2.2 theory of discourse (Foucault, Bakhtin);
2.3 new historicism;
2.4 semiotics (Peirce)
2.5 realism in literature and in other arts in 19 century and later.
3 Curator in the field of new media art.
4 Artist in the field of video and new media.
W: Personal page

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Toroš

Research fields:
1 Humanities, comparative literature.
2 Research interests:
2.1 Triestine literature
2.2 Alojz Gradnik
2.3 Slovene literature on the cultural contact.
2.4 Imagology in Literary Studies.

Adjunct prof. dr. Barbara Pregelj

Research fields: Comparative literature, reception of Spanish literature in Slovenia, reception of Slovenian literature in Spain, traductology, literary interpretation, children’s literature
W: Personal page

Adjunct prof. dr. Neva Makuc, PhD in Historical Sciences, BA in Italian Language and Literature and BA in History

N. Makuc studies the history of the early modern period with special emphasis on the collective identities (linguistic, provincial etc.), the historiography and the cultural history. She is particularly interested in the problematics concerned with the Slovenian-Italian border area in the historical perspective. She complements her basic research with applied research work performed in the area of conservation and valorisation of cultural heritage.