Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristina Pranjić
Research activity
Kristina Pranjić is dedicated to researching modern and contemporary art history and literary studies. She focuses on artistic practices from the early 20th century, with a particular emphasis on European avant-gardes and contemporary new media aesthetics. Her work addresses alternative epistemologies of avant-garde art, techniques of estrangement and abstraction in poetic and visual language. In this regard, she is interested in exploring the emancipatory and posthumanist potentials of art, along with forms and networks of transnational collaboration of avant-garde artists.
Research areas and keywords
Literary and Art Theory, History and Theory of Avant-gardes, Artistic Practices, New Media Art, Art and Science, Cosmism and Early Ecological Ideas, Ecocriticism, Critical Theory, Semiotics and Philosophy of Language, Research Methodology
Selected publications
- Pranjić, Kristina, Rudnev, Vadim. Bog'-attraktor: issledovanie v oblasti filosofii obydennogo jazyka [God-attractor: Research in the field of philosophy of ordinary language]. Sankt-Peterburg: Centr gumanitarnyh iniciativ; Moscow: Dobrosvet, 2020.
- Rudnev, Vadim, Pranjić, Kristina. Narrativn'yj dissonans: jaz'yk protiv real'nosti [Narrative dissonance: Language against reality]. Moscow: Akademicheskij proekt, 2020.
Scientific articles:
- Change must come: Yugoslav avant-gardes and metropolitan Dada. In: Bru, Sascha (ed.). Crisis: the avant-garde and modernism in critical modes. European avant-garde and modernism studies, vol. 7. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2022, 297–312.
- The emergence and establishment of Yugoslav dada: from Prague to Zagreb (1920–1922). Svět literatury, 2021, vol. 31, no. 64, 89–103.
- Značaj ljubljanskog časopisa Maska (1920/21) u kontekstu jugoslovenskih avangardi. Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti, 2021, no. 9, 111–121.
- The logic of zaum. In: Perišić, Igor (ed.). Avangarda i komentari: međunarodni naučni zbornik radova u čast prof. Gojka Tešića. Belgrade: Institut za književnost i umetnost, 2021, 249–262.
- Zvezdna navigacija pri Homerju in svetlikanje zvezd v poeziji Gregorja Strniše. In: Pavlič, Darja (ed.). Slovenska poezija. Obdobja 40. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2021, 607–613.
- Apstraktni dinamički ambijent Avgusta Černigoja i tršćanske konstruktivističke grupe. In: Jović, Bojan (ed.), Subotić, Irina (ed.). Sto godina časopisa Zenit = A hundred years of the Zenit magazine: 1921-1926-2021. Kragujevac: Galerija Rima; Beograd: Institut za književnost i umetnost, 2021, 347–365.
- Zenitistični koncept barbarogenija kot kritika zahodnoevropske kulture = Zenithist Concept of a Barbarogenius as a Critique of the Western European Culture. Primerjalna književnost 43.3, 2020, 139–157.
- Prispevek umetnosti in nedvojnosti k znanstvenemu raziskovanju prvoosebnega izkustva. Anthropos: časopis za psihologijo in filozofijo ter za sodelovanje humanističnih ved, 2020, 52, vol. 3/4, 131–143.
- Constructing new signifiers with aesthetic intervention: using coal in design. Zonemoda journal. 2020, vol. 10, 121–132. (Coauthored by Magdalena Germek.)
- Premagati silo gravitacije na presečišču umetnosti in tehnologije: primer ruskega konstruktivizma = Overcoming Gravity at the Intersection of Art and Technology: The Example of Russian Constructivism. Časopis za kritiko znanosti Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology 277.47, 2019, 102–116.
- Brezpredmetnost in ekonomičnost v poeziji = Objectlessness and Economy in Poetry. Slavica Tergestina 22, 2019, 50–68.
- Zvočna destabilizacija jezika: zaum in glosolalija. Zbornik Matice srpske za slavistiku 93 (2018). 231–247.
- Osvajanje rdečega kozmosa: tehnologija kot sredstvo za uresničevanje mističnih utopij. Slavica Tergestina 16, 2014-2015, 8–39.
- Ruski kozmizem kot vektor petdesetletnega projektila postgravitacijske umetnosti. Slavistična revija: časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede 62.2, 2014, 147–161.
Contributions and Lectures:
- “The algorithms of abstraction: from constructivism to computer and post-gravity art” (RE:SOURCE 2023, 18th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Venice, 2023).
- “Ecological epistemology on the edge of representation: ‘Zaum’ and objectlessness” (Green cultures in Eastern Europe: representation, practice, knowledge, University in Graz, 2023).
- “Disruptive avant-garde art of today: shaping post-growth imaginaries for symbiotic futures” (ISEA2023 Symbiosis: 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Paris, 2023, coauthored by Magdalena Germek and Peter Purg).
- “An art+sci approach toward a curriculum of bordering” (Taboo, transgression, transcendence in art & science, TTT 2023, Malta Society of Arts, Valletta, 2023, coauthored by Peter Purg).
- “Avantgarda in novi mediji” [“Avant-garde and new media”]. (ALUO uho, Ljubljana, 2022).
- “The avant-garde as a work of limit and release” (conference Revisiting the avant-garde total work of art, University of Leuven, 2022, coauthored by Peter Purg).
- “Extreme perception of Surrealism and the potential of its visual eco-epistemology” (ISSS Surrealisms 2022, coauthored by Magdalena Germek).
Selected projects
Research programme
- Historical Interpretations of the 20th Century (P6-0347)
- Researcher on the project Sustainable Digital Preservation of Slovenian New Media Art (J7-3158, 2021–2023).
- Co-leader and researcher on the interdisciplinary project The Art of Bordering (Connect Across Seed Grants – European Cross-Border University; University of Nova Gorica, Chemnitz University, and University of Udine, 2022).
- Co-leader and researcher on the interdisciplinary project Taming the Forest with students and researchers from the School of Arts and the School of Humanities at UNG (part of the project was developed as part of preparations for the “Resonances IV SciArt Summer School” organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, 2022).
- Project leader for Yugoslav Avant-garde and Metropolitan Dada (1916–1927): Multidirectional and Transnational Genealogy (Z6-1882, 2019–2021).
Educational Research Projects:
- Leader and pedagogical mentor of the project “Promoting Art Criticism in the Field of New Media Art and Culture in Slovenia” (EU Social Fund, Slovenian Ministry of Education, part of the “Student Innovative Projects for Social Benefit” call, 2020).
- Leader and pedagogical mentor of the project “Analysis of the Human Position in the Era of Modern Technology and the Impact of Perceiving Technological Changes Through Artistic Production” (EU Social Fund, Slovenian Ministry of Education, part of the “Student Innovative Projects for Social Benefit” call, 2019).
- Leader and pedagogical mentor of the project “Preparation of a Comprehensive Production-Distribution Strategy for New Slovenian Films at International Film Festivals” (EU Social Fund, Slovenian Ministry of Education, part of the “Creative Path to Knowledge” call, 2019).
- Leader and pedagogical mentor of the project “Creating a New Story for the Transformation of Industrial Use of Coal for the Purposes of Tourism Development in Zasavje Region” (EU Social Fund, Slovenian Ministry of Education, part of the “Creating Paths to Knowledge” call, 2019).
Kristina Pranjić, born on July 14, 1989, in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, graduated in 2013 with a degree in Comparative Literature and Russian Language and Literature from the University of Ljubljana. She received the university's Prešeren Award for her undergraduate thesis, “Constructivism and Suprematism – Two Vectors to Post-Gravityl Theory.” In 2018, she defended her doctoral dissertation at the same university, titled “Non-Objective Sound and Image: Bely, Kruchenykh, Malevich,” focusing on the concept of non-objectivity and non-representational poetry and visual art in symbolism and the avant-garde. She is currently employed as an associate professor at the School of Humanities and the School of Arts at the University of Nova Gorica, where she leads modules on “History and Theory of Arts and Media” and “Discourses in Practice” and acts as the director of the Literary Studies program track. Since 2021, she has been a researcher in the fields of literary studies and art history at the Research Centre for Humanities at the University of Nova Gorica. In 2019, she was a visiting lecturer at the University of Klagenfurt, where she lectured on visual and poetic experiment in Russian modernism and the avant-garde. She gained international research experience at the University of Konstanz (2012/13), the University of Belgrade (2014/15), and the University of Paris 8 (2016/17). She worked as a critic and reviewer in the visual and intermedia arts at the Radio Študent. She organized two international scientific conferences with artistic program and edited proceedings on the topic of avant-garde: “The World as Objectlessness” (Slavica TerGestina, European Slavic Studies Science Journal, 2018) and “Cosmic Anarchism” (Sophia Publishing House, 2021).
Leadership functions
- Director of the Literary Studies track at the undergraduate program Slovene Studies and the master program Humanities Studies at the School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica (since 2022).
- Vice-Chair of the Expert Commission for Intermedia Arts at the Slovenian Ministry of Culture (since 2022).
- Project Leader for Yugoslav Avant-garde and Metropolitan Dada (1916–1927): Multidirectional and Transnational Genealogy (2019–2021).
Awards and scholarships
2023 Active participation of outstanding young Slovenian researchers in prominent international programs, Slovenian Research Agency (ARIS).
2019 Promotion of Slovenian Science Abroad Travel Grant, Slovenian Research Agency (ARIS).
2018 Regional Scholar Travel Grant, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), USA.
2018 Travel Grant for Nordic Summer Conference, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
2016-2017 Fellowship for Excellent Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, Foundation of Father Stanislav Škrabec, Slovenia.
2016 Travel Grant, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
2013 National Prešeren Award for the thesis Constructivism and Suprematism – Two Vectors to Post-Gravity Theory, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.