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Theorising Migration

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Humanities

Objectives and competences

The course will enable the students to
 discern interdisciplinary similarities and differences while studying the migration phenomenon;
 discern and apply qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches which are in use in Migration studies;
 discuss and analyse real-life cases from the point of view migration processes, policies and theories.


Students who attend the course are expected to be present at lectures (75%) and actively participate during lectures – to take part in discussions, read relevant literature and make an oral presentation (15 to 20 min). At the end of lectures and seminar work, students are expected to submit an independent final written assignment (20 pages).

Students considering the Theorising migration course are expected to have gained an appropriate knowledge in the fields of humanities and social sciences, with an emphasis on cultural and social theories related to sociological, anthropological, historical and cultural themes. Students are expected to have a good and active command of English.


The course considers migrations as a phenomenon of human history. In the initial stage, it focuses on the beginnings of migration theories, the history of migration theories, and the place of migrations as a research theme within various scientific disciplines (sociology, economics, anthropology, cultural studies, demography, policy studies) in diachronic and synchronic perspectives. A special emphasis will be given to contemporary migration strategies – to consider the current situation in the EU and its member states within a global perspective.

The course is divided into three thematic parts:
1) Theories of migration
Students will revise, systemise and deepen their knowledge on migration theories within the historic and multidisciplinary perspective, and learn about the basic research methodologies and the so called methodological nationalism that may occur in migration studies.

2) Fundamental/selected theoretical concepts
Students will be acquainted with the fundamental concepts in migration studies, conceptual dilemas and various definitions relevant for understanding migrations: emigration, immigration, remigration, culture, identity, ethnic belonging, nation/nationality, national identity, citizenship, naturalisation, tolerance, stereotypes and prejudice.

3) Multiculturalism amd integration
Students will be acquainted with the so-called assimilation/integration theories and policies, which move, on one hand, from the position of an inherent non-assimilation to the position of a necessary mutual and equal co-influence and dialogue within a diversity context on the other hand.

Intended learning outcomes

The students will have acquired knowledge and understanding of
- migration theories, policies, strategies and practice in relation to real life cases within the synchronic and diacronic perspective;
- current methodological approaches in Migration studies and methodological nationalism;
- fundamental concepts such as: identity, ethnic belonging, nation/nationality, national identity, citizenship, stereotypes



  • Lukšič Hacin, M. (2010). Migracije v teoretskem diskurzu. Migracije in slovenski prostor od antike do danes (Ed. Peter Štih and Bojan Balkovec; Zbirka Zgodovinski časopis 39, 2010. E-version
  • Wimmer, A., Glick-Schiller N. (2003). Methodological nationalism, the Social Sciences, and the Study of Migration: An Essay in Historical Epistemology, International Migration Review 37(3), pp. 576 – 610. E-version
  • Brettell, C., Hollifield, J. (ed.) (2000). Migration Theory. Talking across Disciplines, New York. Catalogue E-version
  • Castles, S., Miller, J. M. (1998). The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World, Macmillan Press LTD. E-version
  • Lukšič Hacin, M. (2009). Večkulturno državljanstvo in večetnični patriotizem? Za manj negotovosti: aktivno državljanstvo, zdrav življenjski slog, varovanje okolja. (ed. Slavko Gaber). Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta. E-version
  • Lukšič-Hacin, M.(1995). Ko tujina postane dom : resocializacija in narodna identiteta pri slovenskih izseljencih. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče.
  • Lukšič-Hacin, M. (1999). Multikulturalizem in migracije. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC. Catalogue E-version


  • Jupp, J. (ed.) (2001). The Australian People, An Encyclopedia of the Nation, Its People and Their Origins. Cambridge University Press. Pp
  • Lukšič Hacin, M. (2001). One-Dimensional Conception of National Identity versus Heterogeneity of Ethnic Identity among Emigrants. In: Lukšič Hacin M., Zgodbe in pričevanja, Založba ZRC, Ljubljana pp. 349-364. Catalogue
  • Gordon, M. M. (1964): Assimilatin in American Life. Oxford University Press, pp. 1-18, pp. 84-159.
  • Lukšič Hacin, M. (2011). Teorije, politike in strategija sobivanja v raznolikosti. Medkulturni odnosi kot aktivno državljanstvo. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. E-version
  • Migration Integration Policy Index (2007). E-version


  • final assignment (20 pages) = 60% of the final grade, - study obligations: active participation, written reflections at the end of a thematic part (one page/500 words) = 40% of the final grade.

Lecturer's references

Lukšič-Hacin, M.(1995). Ko tujina postane dom : resocializacija in narodna identiteta pri slovenskih izseljencih. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče. [COBISS.SI-ID 56006656]

Lukšič-Hacin, M. (1999). Multikulturalizem in migracije. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC. [COBISS.SI-ID 100490496]

Lukšič-Hacin, M. (2001). Zgodbe in pričevanja : Slovenci na Švedskem. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. [COBISS.SI-ID 110957568]

Lukšič- Hacin, M. (1999). Razseljevanje ljudi iz slovenskega etničnega prostora s poudarkom na življenju Slovencev na Švedskem. Teorija in praksa, 36, 1, pp. 19–41. [COBISS.SI-ID 20518405]

Lukšič- Hacin, M. (1999). Procesi resocializacije in etnična identiteta : primer Slovencev na Švedskem. Teorija in praksa, 36, no. 2, pp. 274–289. [COBISS.SI-ID 19129693]

Lukšič- Hacin, M. (2004). Konceptualne dileme v razpravah o multikulturalizmu in globalizaciji. Dve domovini, 19, pp. 107–120. [COBISS.SI-ID 22449965]

Lukšič Hacin, M. (2010). Migracije v teoretskem diskurzu. Migracije in slovenski prostor od antike do danes (ed. Peter Štih and Bojan Balkovec; Zbirka Zgodovinski časopis 39, 2010.

Lukšič Hacin, M. (2009). Večkulturno državljanstvo in večetnični patriotizem? Za manj negotovosti: aktivno državljanstvo, zdrav življenjski slog, varovanje okolja. (ed. Slavko Gaber). Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta.

Mesić, Milan (2002). Međunarodne migracije, tokovi i teorije. Zagreb : Zavod za sociologiju
Filozofskog fakulteta.

Mesić, Milan (2006). Multikulturalizam: društveni i teorijski izazovi. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.