Jobs external

Postdoctoral associate or assistant professor in the field of photothermal spectroscopy and instrumentation (m/f/o)
The University of Nova Gorica has an open position for postdoctoral associate or assistant professor in the field of photothermal spectroscopy and instrumentation. Deadline for applications: 5. 10. 2024
Jobs external
20. 9. 2024
Professional associate in the Graduate School (m/f/o)
The University of Nova Gorica has open position of professional associate in the Graduate School. Deadline for applications: 4. 10. 2024
Jobs external
13. 9. 2024
Postdoctoral fellow or assistant professor in the field of computer science (m/f/o)
The University of Nova Gorica has a vacancy for the position of postdoctoral fellow or assistant professor in the field of computer science. Deadline for applications: 31. 10. 2024
Jobs external
13. 9. 2024
Voznik kombija-vzdrževalec voznega parka (m/ž/d)
Univerza v Novi Gorici objavlja prosto delovno mesto voznika kombija-vzdrževalca voznega parka. Rok za prijavo do: 25. 9. 2024
Jobs external
10. 9. 2024
Research assistant or research associate / assistant professor in the field of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology (m/f/o)
The University of Nova Gorica has an open position for research assistant or research associate / assistant professor in the field of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology. Deadline for applications: 30. 9. 2024
Jobs external
9. 9. 2024
Expert assosiate in the field of instrumental analysis (m/f/o)
The University of Nova Gorica has an open position for an Expert associate in the field of instrumental analysis. Deadline for applications: 30. 9. 2024
Jobs external
9. 9. 2024
System Administrator (m/f/o)
The University of Nova Gorica has an open position for the System Administrator. Deadline for applicaions: 4. 10. 2024
Jobs external
9. 9. 2024
Višji referent v računovodstvu (m/ž)
Univerza v Novi Gorici objavlja prosto delovno mesto višjega referenta v računovodstvu. Rok za prijavo do: 27. 9. 2024
Jobs external
5. 9. 2024
Strokovni sodelavec s področja odkrivanja nanoteles (m/ž)
Univerza v Novi Gorici objavlja prosto delovno mesto strokovnega sodelavca s področja odkrivanja nanoteles. Rok za prijavo do: 18. 9. 2024
Jobs external
27. 8. 2024
Postdoctoral associate in the field of air pollution (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica has an open position for postdoctoral associate in the field of air pollution. Deadline for applications: 16. 8. 2024.
Jobs external
8. 8. 2024
Head of the Laboratory of Quantum Optics (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica is offering position of Head of the Laboratory of Quantum Optics. Deadline for applications: 25. 8. 2024
Jobs external
26. 7. 2024
Assistant young researcher n the field of laser based methods, material characterization (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica is offering positions of assistant young researcher in the field of laser based methods, material characterization. Deadline for applications: 4. 8. 2024
Jobs external
11. 7. 2024
SMASH Open Call 3 - 2024
The University of Nova Gorica is offering the positions of postdoc researchers in SMASH project. The application deadline is Monday, October 21st, 2024, 23:59 CET.
Jobs external
3. 7. 2024
Professional associate in the Graduate School
Graduate School of University of Nova Gorica is looking for a highly motivated colleague to support UNG in the EU funded INTERREG Danube programme project named DECORATOR, Danubians cradle-to-cradle Architecture and construction. The new colleague will join a highly motivated team and work in a multidisciplinary environment, in connection with other EU funded projects, the programme Cultural Heritage Studies and the EU Culture Capital Go!2025 in Nova Gorica.
Jobs external
3. 7. 2024
Assistant professor or associate professor in the area of syntax-semantics interface (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica has a vacancy for the position of assistant professor or associate professor in the area of syntax-semantics interface (m/f) Deadline for applications: 30. 6. 2024
Jobs external
6. 6. 2024
Višji referent v računovodstvu (m/ž)
Univerza v Novi Gorici objavlja prosto delovno mesto višji referent v računovodstvu. Rok za prijave do: 11. 6. 2024
Jobs external
21. 5. 2024
Asisstant young resercher in the field of comparative oncology (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica is offering positions of assistant young researcher in the field of comparative oncology. Deadline for applications: 14. 6. 2024
Jobs external
17. 5. 2024
Asisstant young researcher in the field of ultra-fast characterization of complex materials (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica is offering positions of assistant young researcher in the field of ultra-fast characterization of complex materials . Deadline for applications: 14. 6. 2024
Jobs external
17. 5. 2024
Postdoctoral fellow or assistant professor in the field of computer science (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica has a vacancy for the position of postdoctoral fellow or assistant professor in the field of computer science. Deadline for applications: 31. 5. 2024
Jobs external
15. 4. 2024
Assistant in the field of literary and gender studies (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica has a vacancy for the position of assistant in the field of literary and gender studies. Deadline for applications: 6. 5. 2024
Jobs external
11. 4. 2024