Scientific evenings
University of Nova Gorica invites to the lecture: "Stem cells from biology to clinics" by Prof. Dr. Gregor Majdič (Veterinary Faculty University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor).
14. 3. 2017
Scientific evenings
University of Nova Gorica invites to the lecture: "Understanding the Global Warming Debate" by Prof. Dr. William Eichinger (University of Iowa).
16. 2. 2017
University of Nova Gorica taking part in the Education and Career Fair
The fair will take place on 27 and 28 January 2017, from 9:00 to 18:00 at Gospodarsko razstavišče in Ljubljana. The event is an excellent opportunity for you to learn about educational programmes available in Slovenia and abroad.
17. 1. 2017
Semester Show 2016/17
On Friday, 20 january 2017, between 6 and 9 pm you are kindly invited to attend the School of Arts Student Show, at the School's premises in Palazzo Alvarez, Via Diaz 5, Gorica.
10. 1. 2017
Scientific evenings
University of Nova Gorica invites to the lecture: "Live lasers and biocompatible optical fibers" by Dr. Matjaž Humar.
8. 12. 2016
The projection of "Frame by Frame" documentary
School of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica kindly invite you to the screening of the documentary movie "Frame by Frame", which will take place at the University of Nova Gorica on Friday, 9 December 2016 at 06:00 pm.
5. 12. 2016
Participatory Art for Invisible Communities
You are cordially invited to the final event dedicated to participatory art and culture of the PAIC project - Participatory Art for Invisible Communities, which will take place on 8 December, 2016 between 6 and 10 pm at “Faravž” in the village of Osek near Šempas, in the heart of the Vipava Valley. It is co-organized by the Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica and the Cultural and Tourist Society of Osek.
5. 12. 2016
Exhibition BeWater at the University of Nova Gorica
The University of Nova Gorica host’s exhibition within European project BeWater.
21. 11. 2016
Scientific evenings
University of Nova Gorica invites to the lecture: "Economic models of negotiation in markets and political systems" by Prof. Dr. Jernej Čopič, Aix-Marseille Universite, CERGE in Caltech.
9. 11. 2016
Free course of the Persian language at the University of Nova Gorica
A free year-round course of Modern Persian starts at the School of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica on November 11, 2016.
4. 11. 2016
Scientific evenings
University of Nova Gorica invites to the lecture: "ZIKA: An old virus with a new face" by Prof. Dr. Tatjana Avšič-Županc, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana.
4. 10. 2016
University of Nova Gorica Week
This year’s University of Nova Gorica Week will take place from 30th September to 7th October 2016. Learn more about various topics in the fields of natural sciences, technology, biotechnical sciences, humanities, arts and management and join us at lectures, round tables, workshops or visit our research laboratories and centres to get to know our university better and meet our renowned researchers, teaching staff and students.
27. 9. 2016
Researchers' Night
Join us at the European Researchers' Night, 30 September, Nova Gorica & Ajdovščina!
19. 9. 2016
Public talk with the title "Gravitational waves: A new astronomy”
Invitation to the public lecture given by Prof. Sheila Rowan (Institute for Gravitational Research, University of Glasgow, UK) "Gravitational waves: A new astronomy".
1. 9. 2016
Visit us at the 54th AGRA Fair in Gornja Radgona
Once again, the University of Nova Gorica's School for Viticulture and Enology and School of Environmental Sciences will be present at the international agricultural and food Fair which will take place between 20 and 25 August, 2016 in Gornja Radgona, Slovenia.
17. 8. 2016
Final Student Presentations for the Industrial Design Course at the School of Engineering and Management
At the end of the academic year, the students of the Industrial Design course at the Master’s Program Engineering and Management at the School of Engineering and Management of the University of Nova Gorica will present their products, designed by following the principles of the Natura Design.
2. 6. 2016
Exhibition BeWater at the University of Nova Gorica
The University of Nova Gorica host’s exhibition within European project BeWater.
2. 6. 2016
Annual Show at the School of Arts
On Friday, 27 May 2016, between 6 and 9 pm you are kindly invited to attend the School of Arts Semester Show, at the School's premises in Palazzo Alvarez, Via Armando Diaz 5, Gorica.
23. 5. 2016
Student Wine Festival of the School of Viticulture and Enology
On Thursday, 26 May, 2016, the School of Viticulture and Enology of the University of Nova Gorica will organize its 9th Student Wine Festival, which will be held at the School of Viticulture and Enology at the Lanthieri Mansion, Glavni trg 8, Vipava.
23. 5. 2016
Invitation to the Public Lecture
University of Nova Gorica invites to the lecture »The unbearable lightness of Neutrinos« by Prof. Goran Senjanović (Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila and International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy).
20. 5. 2016