3 - Photography II

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's programme in Digital Arts and Practices

Objectives and competences

Understanding of and ability to use photographic technologies. Mastery and analysis of photographic media and ability to transfer the acquired analytical knowledge into other fields of the visual code. Other forms of knowledge and skills necessary for a successful work in a variety of professional working environments.
Within the module, the student will acquire the following general competences: * ability to incorporate, analyse and use new technologies; * ability to use knowledge in practice; * autonomy in professional work.


The prerequisities: one's acquired knowledge in year one, and s active participation in all phases and at all levels of the study process, which, apart from the active attendance at lectures and participation in practice work, presupposes the following: individual creation and development of ideas – independently and within the active, two-way mentor-student communication (exhange of ideas takes place on the personal level and via the internet) and a continual independent (research, creative and performative) work throughout the academic year.


Getting to know different aesthetic frameworks, development of one's own visual expression; getting to know individual approaches towards photographic themes; understanding of the principles of using artificial light and of creating realities; getting to know the tools for analysing photographic creativity.
Themes and exercises:
PHOTO VISUALISATION ON A SPECIFIC THEME * photo-story (in a book, leaflet, calendar …)
COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY * presentational (its meaning for a wider audience) * abstract * applied
NUDE * copying from sculpture, painting * individual
PORTRAIT * light impact * reportage * psychological * official

Intended learning outcomes

  • a coherent mastery of the art of photography;
  • ability to connect knowledge form different fields and applications;
  • ability to embed new information and interpretations into the context of artistic photography;
  • mastery of skills and abilities in the use of knowledge in the field of photography.



  • Barthes, Roland: Camera Lucida, Studia Humanitates, 1992. ŠKUC, Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, 2012 Catalogue E-version
  • Batchen, Geoffrey: Goreč od želje, Zasnovanje fotografije, Studia Humanitatis, 2010. Catalogue
  • Hodalič, Arne; Fotografski priročnik, Arktos fotografija, 2021. Catalogue
  • Berger, John: Načini gledanja, Zavod Emanat, 2008. Catalogue
  • Sontag, Susan: Eseji o fotografiji, Študentska založba, Ljubljana 2001. Catalogue
  • Bright, Susan: Art Photography Now, Edition Braus, 2005.E-version
  • Lampič, Primož: Fotografija in stil, Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, Ljubljana 2000. Catalogue
  • ed. Wells, Liz: The Photography Reader, Routledge, 2018 Catalogue E-version
  • ed. Wells, Liz: The Photography Cultures Reader, Routledge, 2019 Catalogue
  • Newhall, B. The History of Photography. New York : The Museum of Modern Art, 1994. Catalogue E-version
  • The Photo Book, Phaidon, 1997. Catalogue
  • Edward Lucie-Smith, Movement in Art since 1945 Katalog
  • Parr, Martin ; Badger, Gerry; The Photobook: A History, Vol. 1-3, Phaidon, 2004-14 CatalogueV1


  • Campany, David: On Photographs, THAMES & HUDSON (UK), MIT PRESS (USA), GUILIO EINAUDI EDITORE (IT), 2020
  • Carroll, Henry : Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs, Laurence King Publishing, 2014
  • Carroll, Henry : Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs of People, Laurence King Publishing, 2015
  • Belting, Hans: Antropologija podobe, Studia Humanitatis, 2004. Catalogue
  • Koetzle, Hans-Michael: Photo Icons, Taschen, Koeln 2005. E-version


Creative assignment 50%, Theoretical assignment 10%, Practice and group work 30%, Examination 10%