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Cultural Heritage Studies

Supervisor of a doctoral student must be a university teacher, holding a title Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor, or researcher with a doctoral degree, with research experiences in the field of the dissertation topic. Supervisors can also be external, not necessarily employed at UNG.

Student can have one or two supervisors. Two supervisors are nominated when the topic of dissertation is interdisciplinary and one supervisor cannot offer adequate expert support in all fields included in the dissertation topic. In case that the candidate has two supervisors, they are considered at the same rank, and take same responsibilities for the student.

Supervisor must offer doctoral student adequate expert support and advice regarding the preparation of the dissertation from the point of view of the scientific content, scientific and technical terminology, and proper layout of the dissertation.

The supervisor of the student cannot be a member of the commission for the evaluation of the dissertation. The supervisors have to attend the dissertation defence but they are not eligible to vote.

Students select working supervisor at the beginning of the study, immediately after enrolment in the study program, and informs the director of the study program about his choice. Working supervisor offers doctoral student adequate expert support and advice regarding the choice of the research field and dissertation topic, and according with the research direction, advices the student which elective courses to choose on the program.

The supervisors are formally nominated by the Senate of UNG, at the same time as the Senate nominates the members of the evaluation commission for the dissertation and approves the dissertation title and topic. The director of the study program submits to the Senate of UNG the proposal for nomination of the student supervisor(s), together with the proposal of the members of the evaluation commission for the dissertation evaluation, and the students’ argumentation of the dissertation topic. Doctoral students must submit argumentation of the dissertation topic latest by the end of the second year of study, as defined in the Formal procedures for the submission, examination and defence of the dissertation.

Saša Dobričič

is founding director of the doctoral programme in Economics and Techniques for the Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage, which has been jointly established by the University of Nova Gorica and University IUAV of Venice. She is vice president of the UNISCAPE (European Network of Universities for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention) and IAES (International Academy for Environmental Sciences) scientific committee member. Her research interests and contributions are related to the interpretation of urban phenomena in relation to landscape, heritage and environment. She has promoted several international meetings and initiatives within her research field : in 2010, Creative Cities, which historic urban landscape? In 2012, Common Goods: out of property which rights for users? In 2013 The ‘New Urban World’.Future Challenge and Response’ of Urban Systems in Motion, organised in collaboration with JPI Urban Europe.

Research fields: Preservation, management and planning of built environment, Urban and environmental preservation (Historic urban landscape approach), Cultural landscape

Jukka Jokilehto

Research fields: History and theory of conservation, Heritage values and valuation, International doctrine in heritage conservation, Management of heritage sites (built heritage, cultural landscapes, etc.)
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Xavier Greffe

Research fields: Economics of art and culture, Economics and management of cultural heritage, Creative industries, Cultural ecosystems Xavier Greffe is a professor at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, where he directs the doctoral economics of the arts and media program; an Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo (Graduate Research Institute for Policy Studies) where he teaches heritage and cultural landscapes economy, he is also Chairman of the National Commission of artistic work of the National Council of the Spectacle. After studying at the universities of Paris and Los Angeles (UCLA), he successively taught at the Universities of Paris North, Algiers and Paris I where served between 1985 and 1994, he held the responsibility of departments of Education Labor and Employment. In addition, he was dean of the academies Orleans Tours and Poitiers. His most recently published books are: CultureWeb (co-editor with Nathalie Sonnac, 2008, Dalloz), Managing Creative Enterprises (WTO-WIPO, Genève, 2008), Artistes et marchés (La documentation française, 2007, Prix de l’Académie des sciences morales et politiques) ; Économie globale (with Mathilde Maurel, Dalloz, 2009) ; La politique culturelle de la France (with Sylvie Pflieger, La documentation française, 2010) ; L’artiste-entreprise (Dalloz, 2012), Les mises en scène du patrimoine culturel : la trace et le rhizome (Presses Universitaires du Québec, 2014)
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Amy Strecker

Research fields: Cultural rights and human rights, International environmental law and justice, Cultural heritage and comparative law, Cultural heritage and Commons
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Antonino Abrami

Research fields: International environmental law and justice, Cultural heritage and comparative law, Common goods
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Luigi Fusco Girard

Research fields: The future of the city as a dynamic, complex and adaptive system: resilience, creativity and sustainability; Preservation and development: the new ecological urban economy; The integrated assessments for urban regeneration.
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Luigi Fusco Girard

Research fields: Luigi Fusco Girard is Full professor of “Economics and Environmental Assessment in the Faculty of Architecture, University of Naples “Federico
II”, Director of the Ph.D. Programme “Evaluation Methods for the Integrated Conservation of Architectural, Urban and Environmental Heritage”and of PhD School of Architecture-, University of Naples “Federico II”; former Director of the Department of Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Asse ts, and of the Specialization School in “Restoration of Monuments”, University of Naples “Federico II”, he is Director of International Scientific Laboratory on Creative City, – Department of Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Assets and of Interdepartmental Research Centre “CalzaBini”, University of Naples.

Stefano Dalla Torre

Research fields: Preventive and planned conservation, Sustainable heritage
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Paolo Faccio

Research fields: Survey and analysis of the damage, Assessment of the seismic vulnerability of historic buildings, Interpretation of structural behavior; Experimental analysis and conservation techniques of modern built heritage
Paolo Faccio is associate professor at the University IUAV of Venice, where he teaches “Architectural Restoration” and “Theory and techniques of historical buildings” at the undergraduate degree and graduate level. He holds agreements with the “Directorate General for landscape, fine arts, architecture and contemporary art” of Italian Ministry of Culture for the experimentations in the field of “Seismic risk of cultural heritage with reference to building technical standards “ (DPCM 12.10.2007) being one of the guideline extensors.
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Salvatore Russo

Research fields: Innovative materials in built heritage conservation (FRP), Structural health monitoring, Seismic, Reinforced concrete, Concrete, Modal Analysis Salvatore Russo is associate professor of Structural Civil Engineering at the IUAV University of Venice
Teaching activity: courses of Structural Design, Testing and Control of Buildings, Mechanics in Civil Engineering
Director of the Laboratory of Strength of Materials (LabSCo) at the IUAV University of Venice
Scientific Coordinator of the Research Unit “Assessment of Monumental Buildings” at the IUAV University of Venice
Responsible of Agreements on the structural monitoring of historic buildings:

  • Palazzo Ducale, Venice
  • Rialto Bridge, Venice
  • Church of Santa Maria del Suffragio, L’Aquila, Italy
  • Church of Santa Maria Paganica, L’Aquila, Italy
  • Church of San Pietro di Coppito, L’Aquila, Italy

Former Member of the CNR (National Research Council) National Team for Technical Recommendations for the employment of thin pultruded FRP profiles in building structures
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Paola Falini

Research fields: Urban and environmental preservation, Cultural landscape, Historic urban landscape, WHS management plans
Paola Falini is full professor of Urban Planning at the La Sapienza University of Rome, where she is member of the Ph.D in Urban and Regional Planning at the School of Specialization in Garden Architecture and Landscape Design and member of Master in planning, conservation and management of minor historical centres and of the landscape-environmental systems.
She is 'UNESCO consultant in the field of the urban preservation and regeneration. She is lecturer in many universities in Italy and abroad. She is responsible for the International Relations (as well as vice-president) of the National Association for the Historic Artistic Centers (ANCSA) and for the European Section of the Gubbio Award. She has received the prestigious award from the Architectural Institute of Japan for the outstanding contribution to the culture of Architecture in the year 2014.

Laura Gabrielli

Research fields: Real estate valuation and prices, Real estate market analysis, Risk management
Laura Gabrielli holds a Ph.D. in Property Valuation and Economics at the University of Padua, Italy. She taught Valuation and Economics at the University of Architecture of Venice and at the University of Trento, Faculty of Engineering and University of Bologna, Faculty of Architecture. She was actively involved in different international networks founded by Euro- pean Commission. She has also published a numbers of papers and articles in scientific and academic journals in the areas of property valuation and investment, property portfolio construction and risk analysis. She is one of the authors of Italian Property Valuation Standards (2nd ed. Tecnoborsa, 2002). She was Briefing Editor of Journal of Property Investment and Finance from 2006 to 2008. She is now member of the Editorial Advisor Board of the Journal of Property Investment and Finance and Valori e Valutazioni, a SIEV (Italian Society of Real Estate Valuation) publication. She is part of Doctoral School of Management Engineering and Real Estate Appraisal in the Ph.D. Program “Real Estate Appraisal and Land Economics”, University of Padua, where she coordinates the module of “Property Finance”. Her professional activities concern property valuation, real estate market analy- sis, feasibility analysis for property development, risk management, PPP valuation, investment analysis in real estate, property funds management and investment. In 2008, she joined the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara, as Lecturer in Property Valuation and Investment.
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Giorgio Gianighian

Research fields: Architectural restoration, Urban conservation, WH and WH listing
Giorgio Gianighian is Former Chair of Architectural Restoration at Iuav, Vice-Director of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University International Research Center for Architectural Heritage Conservation. He is Visiting Professor at the Schools of Architecture of the Universities of Tokyo, Jerusalem, and East London where he was responsible for the M.Sc. in Architectural Conservation. Prof. Gianighian has conducted research in Armenia, Japan and Nepal and is World Heritage City nomination consultant in Nepal, Republic of Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Moldova, for Unesco, and expert consultant for the restoration of Ekmekcizade Caravanserai (Edirne, Turkey) for the European Commission. His professional work in Venice includes: the restoration of St. Mark’s clock-tower; the restoration and reconditioning of the water cistern of the Fondaco dei Turchi.
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Lorenzo Lazzarini

Research fields: Applied petrography and conservation, archaeometry
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Arjo Klamer

Research fields: Cultural dimension of economic life, values of art, Philosophy of economics
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Massimiliano Mazzanti

Research fields: Applied environmental economics, Environmental innovation dynamics, Economics of waste, Environmental Policy assessment, Valuation of the environment
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Peter Nijkamp

Research fields: Multicriteria analysis, regional and urban planning, transport systems analysis, mathematical modelling of spatial systems, migration, technological innovation, and environmental and resource management
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Antonio (Paolo) Russo

Research fields: Territorial analysis and tourism studies, cultural and urban economics and planning, social and urban geography
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Pier Luigi Sacco

Research fields: Cultural policy design: relationship between cultural production and economics, cultural districts
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Svalduz Elena

Research fields: History of the city, History of architecture
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Fernando Vegas

Research fields: Vernacular architecture , earthen architecture, urban conservation
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Michele Trimarchi

Research fields: Analysis of cultural supply and demand, integration and sustainability of cultural resources, structure and funding of the arts markets, design of public policy for the arts, contemporary arts system and creative industries, opera and performing arts management
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Benno Albrecht

Research fields: Architecture for Sustainability
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