Advanced topics in building techniques
Doctoral study programme Cultural Heritage Studies - Double Degree
Objectives and competences
The course will provide the advanced knowledge for the evaluation of the building’s consistency and quality of construction focusing also on the artifacts’ transformation potentials from the conservation perspective.
The laboratory activities will provide basic knowledge (from the experimental point of view) on the procedures, tools and methodologies for the determination of compatibility between new and traditional building materials and techniques.
Basic knowledge of the theory of structures, main material degradation phenomena of historic and modern buildings.
Basic knowledge of history of architecture with a focus on evolution and transformations in architecture related to the advancements in technology.
Skills in graphic design for the representation of architecture.
h1. 1 . Key research topics
- repair and strengthening techniques;
- conservation technologies for modern (20th century) built heritage;
- seismic vulnerability assessment and protection of built heritage;
- compatible strengthening solutions, use of composites;
- advanced numerical techniques for masonry structures;
h1. 2. Experimentation and research in situ and in laboratory
- structural mechanisms and building control systems
- basic measurement instruments and control devices
- assessment of mechanical behaviours of building materials
- analysis of structural behaviour during short and long-term stress
Intended learning outcomes
The final outcome of the course is the acquisition of advanced scientific background for the development of the building techniques in the field of conservation and restoration of built heritage.
- AA.VV., Curare il moderno. I modi della tecnologia, Atti del 1° Convegno Nazionale DO.CO.MO.MO. Sezione Piemonte, Venezia 2002
- AA.VV., Architettura moderna in Italia. Documentazione e conservazione, Atti del 1° Convegno Nazionale DO.CO.MO.MO. Italia, Roma 1999 E-version
- Boriani M. (a cura di), La sfida del moderno. L'architettura del XX secolo tra conservazione e innovazione, Unicopli, Milano 2003
- Boscato G., Dynamic behaviour of GFRP pultruded elements, ed. By Založba Univerze v Novi Gorici, SBN 978-961-6311-68-7, 2010 Catalogue
- Brogiolo G.P., Faccio P., Stratigrafia e prevenzione. Archeologia dell'architettura, vol.XV/2010, p. 55-63, 2011, ISSN: 1126-6236
- Bruschi G., Faccio P., Pratali Maffei S., Scaramuzza P., Il calcestruzzo nelle Architetture di Carlo Scarpa. Forme, alterazioni, interventi., vol. 1, p. 1-263, BOLOGNA:Editrice Compositori, 2005. ISBN: 8877944315
- Bruschi G., Faccio P., Scaramuzza P., Vanin A., Brevetti per edifici asismici: tra teoria e pratica. In: Valtieri S. A cura di. 28 dicembre 1908. La Grande Ricostruzione dopo il terremoto del 1908 nell’area dello Stretto. p. 1044-1067, ROMA:CLEAR, 2008, ISBN: 9788838501050
- Campanini G., Faccio P., Fain E., Bruschi G., Saramuzza P., Il restauro del contemporaneo. Esperienze e prospettive. p. 1-160, Bologna:Editrice Compositori, 2012, ISBN:9788877947932
- Crippa M.A., Per il restauro del moderno. Qualche riflessione sul riconoscimento e il progetto di restauro di architetture del Novecento, in “Territorio, n°23, 2003
- Crippa M. A., Il restauro del grattacielo Pirelli, Milano 2007
- Faccio P., Conoscenza e prevenzione, In: Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Segretariato Generale (a cura di Laura Moro e Antonella Neri). Linee Guida per la valutazione e riduzione del rischio sismico del patrimonio culturale – allineamento alle nuove norme tecniche per le costruzioni. p. 192-200, ROMA:Gangemi, 2010, ISBN: 9788849220292
- Faccio P., Alcune considerazioni sul comportamento strutturale del Tempietto di Villa Barbaro a Maser. In: Piana Mario, Soragni Ugo . PALLADIO. MATERIALI TECNICHE RESTAURI IN ONORE DI RENATO CEVESE. Venezia: Marsilio, 2011, ISBN: 97888317107561)
- Jester Thomas C., Twentieth-century Building materials, History and Conservation, Getty pubblications, 2014 E-version
- Macdonald, S., Ostergren G., Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage: A Bibliography, 2nd ed. Los Angeles, CA: Getty Conservation Institute, 2013; E-version
- Salvatore Russo, Giosuè Boscato, Lorenzo Massaria, Nondestructive test for structural restoration. The cases of Devil’s and S. Donato’s masonry bridges in Venice, 6th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in The Mediterranean Basin, Lisbon, April 7-10, 2004. E-version
- Giosuè Boscato, Salvatore Russo, Francesca Sciarretta, Il Molino Stucky: Affidabilità delle Strutture Murarie Danneggiate e Meccanica del Crollo, Convegno Nazionale, CRASC’06 Crolli e Affidabilità delle Strutture Civili, Messina, 20-22 Aprile 2006
- Giosuè Boscato, Salvatore Russo, Francesca Sciarretta, Filippo Bastianini, Natural frequencies of pultruded profiles with different cross section, ACIC 07 - Advanced Composites in Construction, 2nd – 4th April 2007, University of Bath, Bath, UK.
• Lectures • On site lectures • Case study illustrations • Internships and experiences in laboratories and companies manufacturing the restoration materials for the restoration of built heritage • Problem solving • Tutorised work
Lecturer's references
Paolo Faccio is associate professor at the University IUAV of Venice, where he teaches "Architectural Restoration" and “Theory and techniques of historical buildings” at the undergraduate degree and graduate level. He holds agreements with the "Directorate General for landscape, fine arts, architecture and contemporary art" of Italian Ministry of Culture for the experimentations in the field of "Seismic risk of cultural heritage with reference to building technical standards " (DPCM 12.10.2007) being one of the guideline extensors.
Reserach interests: survey and analysis of the damage, assessment of the seismic vulnerability of historic buildings, interpretation of structural behavior; experimental analysis and conservation techniques of modern built heritage ;
Dr. Salvatore Russo is associate Professor of Structural Civil Engineering at the IUAV University of Venice