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Advanced topics in sustainability of heritage

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Cultural Heritage Studies

Objectives and competences

• To provide the ability to analyse and debate heritage conservation and sustainability, critically and systematically review and report on relevant bibliography in the field ;
• To update students, through open discussion and presentation among peers, with the contemporary research trends in the field
• To train students to critically analyse, understand and use concepts, new information and ideas employed in heritage conservation and sustainability
• To consolidate the holistic approach to planning and to the research through understanding of the values, issues and potentials of historic territorial contexts and broader environment;


• Seminars, open discussions in different fields of knowledge involved in heritage studies focusing on contemporary research perspectives and trends in the field of sustainable heritage preservation, planning and management.
• In particular the course will discuss specific synergies and gaps between heritage preservation as social or ecological process in relation to wide range of contemporary issues and disciplines such as social and cultural sustainability, sustainable design, urban studies and regional development, environmental history, circular economy, cultural ecology;
• The course will consider recent scientific and technological research and development addressing energy efficiency and renewable energy resources , climate change challenges as well as Nature Based Solutions;

Intended learning outcomes

• Student’s capacity to pursue independent bibliographical research within broad and complex range of topics inherent to sustainable heritage studies
• Publication and communication potential, learning interactive –scientific discussion
• Successful written and public presentation of research proposal focusing on critical presentation of bibliographical background related to the contemporary research trends


Selected literature may differ each year and will be given accordingly to the selected thematic field.


• Active participation in classroom • Written report

Lecturer's references

Massimiliano Mazzanti is currently Associate Professor in Economics, University of Ferrara,
Department of Economics & Management. He is research fellow at CERIS-CNR, Institute of the
National Research Council in Milan, dealing extensively with waste and resource issues, with a focus on policy assessment and empirical applications. He is lecturer in Macroeconomics I -
Environmental Economics and Policy - Ecological economics at University of Ferrara,
Department of Economics & Management and lecturer in Cultural Economics
at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Arts. He graduated at the University of Bologna (Italy) then he continued the education with a Msc in Environmental & Natural Resources Economics at the Department of Economics, UCL London and Ph. D. in Economics at the University of Rome Tre. Since 2008 he has been associate Main research fields and publications deal with environmental policy, economics of innovation, economic performance and innovation, economic evaluation by stated preference techniques, waste management and policy, climate change and development.
Spinozzi P. Mazzanti M., 2018, Routing Sustainable Development towards a culture of well being, Routledge, London
Gilli M. Mazzanti, M. Nicolli F. 2013, Sustainability and competitiveness in evolutionary perspectives: environmental innovations, structural change and economic dynamics in the EU, Journal of Socio Economics, 45, 204-15.
Mazzanti M., Metodi e strumenti di analisi per la valutazione economica del patrimonio culturale , 2006, 2003, Franco Angeli, Milano
Mazzanti M., (2003), Discrete Choice Models and Valuation Experiments, Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 30, n. 6, pp. 584-604
Mazzanti M., (2002), Cultural Heritage as a Multi-dimensional, Multi Value and Multi Attribute Economic Resource, Journal of Socio-Economics, vol. 31, n.5, pp.529-558