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Markets for culture and public policy

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Cultural Heritage Studies

Objectives and competences

Lectures aim at providing students with an analysis of cultural heritage and projects in a complex territorial, institutional and economic map, elaborating views and tools in order for them to draft, check and carry out cultural projects within a strategic framework.


Basic knowledge of economics


h1. The features of the cultural system
a) the emerging economic paradigm
b) the strategic role of culture
c) culture in the territorial map

h1. The economic definition of culture
a) Conventional assessments
b) The features of cultural products
c) Economic values

h1. Cultural projects: strategies and choices
d) The infrastructural framework
e) The legal structure and decision-making process
f) Connections and synergies

h1. The economic impact of culture
d) The monetary impact upon local economy
e) A qualitative approach
f) Long-term impact upon innovation and growth

h1. Sustainability
d) The Bruntland philosophy
e) Material, financial and cognitive sustainability
f) Cultural compatibility and sustainability

Intended learning outcomes

Lectures aim at providing students with the critical appraisal of the multi-dimensional features of cultural heritage and projects, in order to give them the philosophical and technical ability to establish useful relationship both internally and externally, negotiating an optimal allocation of resources and an effective exchange agreement with public administrations, private companies, resident community and actors of the cultural system.


  • Trimarchi M., Regulation, integration and sustainability in the cultural sector, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 5, 2004
  • Trimarchi M., Principals-Agent Analysis, Handbook of Cultural Economics, second edition, 2011
  • Trimarchi M., The economics and policy of creativity.The Italian perspective, Creative Industries Journal, vol. 2 (3), 2009
  • Jennifer V. Schwartz, Trimarchi M., Qualifying success: a framework for measuring sustainable financing mechanisms for cultural projects and sites, presented at conference on cultural policy Wellington, New Zealand, January 2002
  • A.Carbone, Trimarchi M., Opera 2.0: Crowdsourcing The Stage, in Cultural Commons. A New Perspective on the Production and Evolutin of Cultures, edited by Bertacchini et a., Elgar, 2012

Additional literature will be recommended to students during lectures.


During the course students discuss and analyse their projects, comparing their features with other experiences from different Countries and Continents. At the end of the course students engage in written analysis of the main economic features of the cultural system. 50/50

Lecturer's references

Michele Trimarchi is full professor of Economic Analysis of Law (Catanzaro) and Cultural Economics (University of Bologna). He has lectured at the Universities of Messina, Firenze, Tuscia (Viterbo), IULM (Milano), Italian Switzerland (Lugano). Michele acts as a economic expert for the Regional Observatory for the Performing Arts in Emilia-Romagna. He is partner of ECCOM, and he is a President of Eccom Progetti. He is partner and member of the executive board of Art Mall and member of the executive board of ICR-ICOM (UNESCO), of the editorial advisory board of the Creative Industries Journal (Intellect, Liverpool), and of the Scientific Committee of Tafter Journal. Trimarchi has extensively published on issues related to economics and policy of the arts and culture, fiscal federalism, and economic analysis of the electoral market. He has been economic consultant for the private and public institutions in Italy, such as: Emilia-Romagna Region, the Basilicata Region, the Nework of Regional Secretaries for Culture.