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Advanced topics in historic cultural terriories

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Cultural Heritage Studies

Objectives and competences

• To gain multidimensional ability in analysis and interpretation of cultural territories
• To envisage and design projects and strategies that generate complementarity between planning initiatives, projects and communities
• To update students, through open discussion and presentation among peers, with the contemporary research trends in the field of conservation and planning;
• To train students to critically analyse the literature, to understand and use data resources, empirical techniques and undertaking of research project;
• To consolidate the holistic approach to the research


The course will be based on the conservation theory and principles as expressed in the international doctrine in reference to diversity of cultural expressions, tangible and intangible, within their social, cultural and natural environmental context. In particular, the course will discuss:
• Analysing the existing situation of territory concerned, identifying the historically formed urban or territorial morphology in reference to social and economic contexts:
o Identifying and interpreting the qualities and significance in relation to the physical and functional structure of the city, including the ability to identify the critical points and their dynamics within the local or regional context.
o Investigating and documenting historic development processes of urban areas, main constraints, political and economic forces and actors that have driven the process in recent past, analysing critically different approaches to historic investigation.
o Interpreting the main data for the physical, social and economic characterisation of a city, with the aim of fostering a holistic view of its development, understanding the methods and ‘systemics’ undergoing design of the future scenarios.
• Creation of the integrated territorial conservation plan:
o Developing planning methods and tools for the preparation of plans and projects within the integrated conservation and planning of historic area, involving knowledge of approaches and techniques required for the study of feasibility plans, understanding the economic and political constraints, and having an ability to reach stated objectives within the planning process.
o Leading and motivating team work in the integrated conservation planning process with the objective of enhancing awareness of diversity as a group resource.
o Dealing and negotiating with the actors in conflict situations in the planning process.
• Implementation and management of the integrated conservation plan:
o Implementing and managing integrated conservation plans, including legal, administrative and political frameworks, forming relationships and partnerships, monitoring and maintenance planning, planning for and management of crisis situations, and identifying roles in the management process.
o Establishing contacts and involving different actors in integrated planning and process, increasing knowledge of the tools and techniques for social communication regarding promotion, lobbying, advocacy and fund-raising, and enhancement of the effective communication with the public.

Intended learning outcomes

• Student’s capacity to pursue independent bibliographical research within broad and complex range of topics inherent to heritage studies
• Publication and communication potential, learning interactive –scientific discussion
• Successful written and public presentation of research proposal focusing on critical presentation of bibliographical background related to the contemporary research trends


Selected literature may differ each year and will be given accordingly to the selected thematic field.


• Active participation in classroom • Written report

Lecturer's references

Professor Jukka Jokilehto is Special Advisor to the Director General of ICCROM and Honorary Professor at the University of York, UK. His distinguished career at ICCROM, on the World Heritage Committee and the ICOMOS International Training Committee has engaged him in international missions on cultural heritage in many parts of the world. He has taught conservation history and theory, and the planning and management of the built heritage on the international courses of ICCROM, as well as at numerous universities, including the Polytechnic of Turin, University of Rome and University of Nova Gorica.At ICCROM (International Centre for the Preservation and Restoration of the Cultural Property, created by UNESCO) from 1972, he was Coordinator of courses in architectural conservation and responsible for Architectural and Urban Conservation. He retired as of Assistant Director General in 1998. He published:
A History of Architectural Conservation (1990) Butterworth-Heinemann,
Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites (1993) with Sir Bernard Feilden, Rome: ICCROM.,
The World Heritage List, Filling the Gaps – An Action Plan for the Future (2005) with M. Petzet, H. Cleere, S. Denyer, ICOMOS, Monuments and Sites, XII,
Genesis of International Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage’, pp. 26-29, in: World Heritage - Challenges for the Millennium, eds. F. Bandarin, et al. UNESCO, Paris, 2007
‘Conservation Principles in the International Context’, pp. 73-83, in: Alison Bracker & Alison Richmond (eds.), Conservation: Principles, Dilemmas and Uncomfortable Truths, published in Association with the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, BH, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, Oxford , 2009
The World Heritage List: What is OUV? (2008) ICOMOS, Monuments and Sites, XVI, ICCROM
Conservation of Cultural Heritage: A History of the Organization’s first 50 Years, 1959-2009 (2011) Rome, ICCROM
‘Reflection on historic urban landscapes as a tool for conservation’, pp. 53-64, ‘Les paysages urbains historiques, un outil de conservation - Réflections’, pp. 181-192; in: Managing Historic Cities: Gérer les villes historiques, World Heritage Papers, n. 27, Ron van Oers and Sachiko Haraguchi (eds.), UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris, 2010;

Saša Dobričič is founding director of the master programme in Economics and Techniques for the Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage, which has been jointly established between University of Nova Gorica and University IUAV of Venice and director of the doctoral programe in Cultural heritage Studies at the University of Nova Gorica. She is vice president of the UNISCAPE (European Network of Universities for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention). Her research interests and contributions are related to the interpretation of urban phenomena in relation to landscape, heritage and environment.

DOBRIČIČ, S., ACRI M., Creative Cities. Which Historic Urban Landscape? , Mimesis Architettura, 2017;
DOBRIČIČ S., ACRI M., (edited by), L’Uso della tradizione, Linee guida per la manutenzione degli edifici tradizionali tra Italia e Slovenia, Mazzanti Libri, 2016
DOBRIČIČ S., PEDROLI B., STRECKER A. (edited by), Common Goods from a Landscape Perspective, in Quaderni di Careggi –Issue 6, No. 6, 5/2014
DOBRIČIČ S., SIVIERO E., De pontibus. Un manuale per la costruzione dei ponti, Sole24 ore, Milano, 2008.