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Selected Topics in Biomedicine and Biotechnology

Objectives and competences

Students deepen their knowledge in specific areas of molecular genetics, molecular biology, biomedicine and biotechnology. The choice of a particular topic is adapted to the research topic of an individual student.

The main purpose of this course is to give students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in an area that is related to their personal interests and to the research projects they are dealing with. Students are allowed to participate in other relevant activities according to the the annual program at UNG or ICGEB. This activity supports the integration and exchange with faculties and various scientific institutions, which represents an important component in the exchange and acquisition of scientific experience. The opportunity to work with other colleagues is especially important for the development and progress of a student's career as well as increasing the opportunities for employment. Complementary contents of study activities outside the course must be confirmed by the course principal.




Selected topics in the field of :
• molecular genetics
• molecular biology
• biomedicine
• biotechnology
• technology transfer
• intellectual property

The specific content of the course is determined every year, depending on the interest and competences of the students enrolled. In the case of individual implementation, the subject is agreed with the student and his mentor.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:
In-depth study of selected topics in the field of biomedicine and biotechnology improves students' competences in:
• Modern trends in biomedicine and the role of biotechnology in solving biomedical problems
• Theoretical background of specific topics related to the student research work
• Technical knowledge needed for research in selected areas
• Autonomous work on selected problems of biomedicine and biotechnology
• Discussion and critical thinking


Literature relevant for the selected topics.


Active participation in the course (20%) and final questionnaire (80%)

Lecturer's references

Lawrence Banks is full professor in molecular biology at the University of Nova Gorica and director-general of the ICGEB. Since 1990, he is group leader of the Tumour Virology Laboratory at ICGEB, which is internationally renowned for its work on Human Papillomaviruses and their roles in the development of human malignancy.

Selected Bibliography:

  1. Zacchigna S, Marcello A, Banks L. Spotlight on COVID-19: from biology to therapy and prevention. FEBS J. 2020, 287(17):3606-3608. doi: 10.1111/febs.15530.
  2. Siddiqa A, Massimi P, Pim D, Banks L. Diverse Papillomavirus Types Induce Endosomal Tubulation. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2019, 28(9):175. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2019.00175. eCollection 2019.
  3. Thomas M, Banks L. Upsetting the Balance: When Viruses Manipulate Cell Polarity Control. J Mol Biol. 2018, 430(19):3481-3503. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2018.04.016.
  4. Siddiqa A, Massimi P, Pim D, Broniarczyk J, Banks L. 2018. Human Papillomavirus 16 Infection Induces VAP-Dependent Endosomal Tubulation. J Virol. 92(6).
  5. Thomas, M., Myers, M. P., Massimi, P., Guarnaccia, C., Banks, L. 2016. Analysis of multiple HPV E6 PDZ interactions defines type-specific PDZ fingerprints that predict oncogenic potential. PLoS Path.,12, e1005766
  6. Ganti, K., Massimi, P., Manzo-Merino, J., Tomaic, V., Pim, D., Playford, MP., Lizano, M., Roberts, S., Kranjec, C., Doorbar, J., Banks, L. 2016. Interaction of the Human Papillomavirus E6 oncoprotein with sorting nexin 27 modulates endocytic cargo transport pathways. PLoS Path., 12; e1005854