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Objectives and competences

The student prepares, writes and defends a doctoral dissertation. The dissertation represents his original scientific work, which the candidate must adequately present and prove that it makes a significant contribution to the development of knowledge.
The student acquires:
• knowledge and competence necessary to carry out research work in accordance with professional standards and ethics,
• the ability to independently plan and implement original research work,
• adequate language competence and mastery of scientific and professional terminology in English,
• the communication ability to present scientific work to the international scientific and professional community in English in written and oral form.


The topic and title of the dissertation confirmed by the Senate of UNG, and mentor(s) for the preparation of the dissertation, appointed by the UNG Senate.


• Preparation of the dissertation in accordance with the topic and title of the dissertation approved by the UNG Senate, under the guidance of a mentor appointed by the UNG Senate.
• Dissertation submission and thesis defence in accordance with the »Rules and regulations for studying in doctoral programmes«.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
• Significant contribution to knowledge.
• Original and innovative work.
• Student’s capacity to pursue independent research without supervision.
• At least one scientific paper from the field of his research, that he carried out in the context of the doctoral programme, accepted or published in an international scientific journal, in accordance with the »Rules and regulations for studying in doctoral programmes«.
• Successful defense of the dissertation.


Scientific literature related to the topic of the doctoral dissertation.


Dissertation and thesis defence are assessed based on the formal procedures described in the document of the study regulations titled »Rules and regulations for studying in doctoral programmes«.

Lecturer's references

Supervisor of a doctoral student must be a university teacher, holding a title Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor, or researcher with a doctoral degree, with research experiences in the field of the dissertation topic.