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Research I

Objectives and competences

The course Research I from the academic year 2014/15 will have 34ECTS and 1020 hours. Until the academic year 2013/14 are 40ECTS and 1200 hours.
A constituent element of Molecular genetics and biotechnology study programme is the provision of sufficient tutoring for development of individual basic or applied research projects.
Projects should be developed by individual student work under a full-time supervision of a mentor. Projects should have a strong original and innovative component and should lead to data publication in relevant peer-review journals. Project should be reliable in terms of feasibility (time and resources) and adequate to student skills.

Mentors are responsible for practical education and training of students. From full-time supervision in first year, students acquire abilities to lead autonomously their own research and to critically recognise ways to overcome problems to fulfil project objectives.

Students and mentors plan a professional growth by participating in research endeavours actively and consistently by conducting one’s own research in a proactive manner. Students should develop research and technical skills, as well as criticisms competences.
The course is under student's mentor supervision.


This course is essentially associated to open positions available for PhD research projects and mentors in guest laboratories.


• Presentation and discussion of project results
• Advanced research work, under mentor supervision
• Individual work
• Literature study
• Technical competences
• To comply with risk assessments, health and laboratory safety policies in laboratory
• Preliminary data
• Team problem solving attitude

Intended learning outcomes

In the first year, under close mentor supervision, students are expected to familiarise with the equipment, acquire the basic knowledge with the literature background and with the molecular biology techniques relevant for their project. Preliminary results are expected. Students are expected to familiarise with safety policies, risk assessments and well lab practices.

First year students should reach a minimum acceptable knowledge and technical skill level to address preliminary experimental approaches. Students should comply with regulations of health and safety policies, risk assessments and well lab practices.

At the end of the year, students present the progress of Research in a public oral presentation.
The reporting evaluation period is an intrinsic component of the curriculum. To improve active critic thinking and self-evaluation and team problem solving attitude, progress in research are openly discussed with collegues, students and members of the Evaluation committee.


Relevant literature in the field.


Written report of research progress. 100%

Lecturer's references
