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Research work I

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Materials

Objectives and competences

The objective is to perform the research work that will become the student dissertation topic.
The student will acquire specific skills and competences necessary for the implementation of the planned research work.




Individual research work of student under supervision of mentor or tutor. The student will be instructed on how to organize the research work that will become the student dissertation topic:
• review the chosen research topic,
• put the research work in a context and identify the objectives of the research work,
• plan the research work for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd study year, and identify the expected outcomes,
• perform the research work planned during the first study year,
• analyze the results obtained from the research work done during the first study year,
• critical review of the research planned for the second year of study based on the results obtained during the first study year.
• Scientific events of the University of Nova Gorica and ICGEB (UNG Scientific Afternoon, etc.)

Intended learning outcomes

Capability in planning and performing research work related to the dissertation topic.


Literature realted to the choosend research topic.


Written report about: * review the chosen research topic * objectives of the research work * plan the research work for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd study year, and identification of the expected outcomes * research results obtained during the first study year * analysis of the results and critical review of the research planned for the second year of study based on the results obtained during the first study year