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Solid State Chemistry

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Materials

Objectives and competences

The student will obtain required knowledge for understanding materia science problems. Initially, they will staudy the structure of solids and get introduced with the importance of chemical and physical bonds, crystal (dis)order and deffects for materials properties. They will get insight into electronic structure of crystals and compare it with the electronic straucture of nanomaterials – to understand the »nano« prefix. The student will understand high temperature phase equilibria and learn thermodynamic and kinetic treatments of phase transitions. They will learn synthesis design and planning, different processing technoques and their chemical-physical fundamentals as well as basic method of characterisation of solids.




  1. Bonds in Solids – chemical and physical bonds, influence of the bonds on properties
  2. Crystal structure – bonds in crystals, electronic structure of crystals, crystal structure of selected modern materials and nanomaterials
  3. Crystal deffects and their influence on materials properties
  4. Structire of non-cyrstal matter – amorphous matter, glass, low-range ordering
  5. Phase diagrams and phase transitions (thermodynamics and kinetics)
  6. Synthesis and preparation of materials – particles, ceramics, layers and coatings, single crystals, nanomaterials and composites, chemical and physical processes, reaction kinetics, diffusion in solids, development of microstructure, self-assembly and macrostructure
  7. Basic methods for characterization of solid matter – electron microscopy and diffraction, x-ray diffraction, thermla analysis, spectroscopic methods
  8. Materials properties – chemical, thermal, mechanical, electrical, dielectric, optic, magnetic as a consequence of typical bonds, crystal (dis)order. Microstructure and coupling of different properties in multifunctional materials

Intended learning outcomes

To obtain the knowledge on design and development of materials with pre-required properties based on understanding the structure of solids in its influence on physical-chemical properties, understanding of phase relations, chemical synthesis, reaction kinetics as well as characterisation methods.


  • A. R. West, Basic Solid State Chemistry, Wiley, 2nd Ed. (2009) E-version
  • A. R. West, Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications, Wiley (1990) Catalogue
  • P. Atkins, D.F. Shriver. Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 5th Ed. (2010). Catalogue E-version
  • V. I. Dyabkov, Reaction Diffusion and Solid State Chemical Kinetics, IPMS Publications (2002) Catalogue
  • R. J. Borg, G. J. Dienes, The Physical Chemistry of Solids, Academic Press Inc. (1992) Catalogue E-version
  • J. P. Jolivet, Metal Oxide Chemistry and Synthesis, Wiley (2000) E-version
  • W.D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen, D. R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics, John Wiley & Sons (1976) E-version
  • Y.M. Chiang, D. Birnie III, W.D. Kingery, Physical Ceramics, John Wiley & Sons (1997) E-version


Oral exam/ seminar work (80/20)

Lecturer's references

Assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Nova Gorica.

  1. Mavrič Andraž, Fanetti Mattia, Lin Yiting, Matjaž Valant, Cui Chunhua. Spectroelectrochemical Tracking of Nickel Hydroxide Reveals Its Irreversible Redox States upon Operation at High Current Density, ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10(16), 9451-9457. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c01813.
  2. Mavrič Andraž, Fanetti Mattia, Mali Gregor, Valant Matjaž. High-temperature stabilization of bulk amorphous Al2O3, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, 499, 363-370. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2018.07.055.
  3. Valant Matjaž, Luin Uroš, Fanetti Mattia, Mavrič Andraž, Vyshniakova Kateryna, Siketić Zdravko, Kalin Mitjan. Fully transparent nanocomposite coating with an amorphous alumina matrix and exceptional wear and scratch resistance. Advanced functional materials, 2016, 26(24), 4362-4369. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201600213.
  4. Pastukhova Nadiia, Mavrič Andraž, Yanbo Li. Atomic Layer Deposition for the Photoelectrochemical Applications, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 8(7), 2002100. DOI: 10.1002/admi.202002100
  5. Mavrič Andraž, Valant Matjaž, Cui Chunhua, Wang Zhiming. Advanced applications of amorphous alumina: From nano to bulk, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019, 521, 119493. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2019.119493.