Doctoral disertation
Karstology (Third Cycle)
Objectives and competences
The dissertation represents an original scientific work that must be of good presentation and style, showing evidence of being a significant contribution to knowledge as well as a proof of the student’s capacity to pursue further research without supervision. The work presented in the thesis should be material in principle worthy of publication or patent presentation.
Students are strongly encouraged to publish their work before the dissertation.
The student obtain skills in planning and conducting increasingly independent and original research.
Doctoral students obtain adequate english language skils, and scientific and technical terminology in English, so that they can competently and autonomously present the results of their research work to the international scientific comunity in English.
The dissertation topic and the
Supervisor(s) approved by the Senate of UNG.
The student may proceed to his doctoral dissertation defence only if he or she has obtained grade 8 or more in each subject taken within the respective study programme, the subjects being graded according to the existing Slovenian grading system from 1 to 10. This means that only those subjects in which the student has achieved at least 70% of the highest grade are recognised.
Preparation of dissertation under supervision of mentor(s), nomineted by the UNG senate, dissertation submission and thesis defence, as defined in on the formal procedures described in the document of the study regulations titled« Formal procedures for the submission, examination and defence of the dissertation« , publishe on web pages of UNG: Graduate school regulations
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
• Significant contribution to knowledge
• Original and innovative work
• Student’s capacity to pursue independent research without supervision.
• Publication or patentability potential in English
• Successful defense of the dissertation
Relevant literature in the field of research.
Regulation of the Graduate school of the University of Nova Gorica. E-version
Dissertation and thesis defence are assessed based on the formal procedures described in the document of the study regulations titled« Formal procedures for the submission, examination and defence of the dissertation« poblished on the UNG web pages: Graduate school regulations
Lecturer's references