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Karst systems in glacial and periglacial environment

This course is part of the programme
Karstology (Third Cycle)

Objectives and competences

In cold environment, this is on the glaciated surface as well as on the surface with permafrost there are special conditions for the evolution of surface and underground karst features. Today there is 10 % of land covered by ice and 15 % with permafrost. During the Pleistocene there were 30 % of dry land covered by glaciers and ice calottes. The introduction to glacial and periglacial processes can help a lot to the understanding of the karst evolution in such an environment. The impact of glaciation and permafrost is presented according to the recent and past environment of Svalbaard Islands, Siberia, Ireland and Poland, of high mountains, etc. Students must recognize such features in the field and be aware of the relation between karst, glaciers and periglacial systems.




• Introduction to glacial and periglacial environment
• Bases of glacier hydrology
• Past and present glaciation of the world
• Surface morphology with the bases of speleogenesis in glaciated regions and in permafrost
• Glaciokarst
• Impact of glaciation and processes on permafrost on the karst morphology
• Response of karst and glaciated environment to the global climatic changes
• The importance of the karst and glacial systems research for the knowledge of palaeoenvironment

Intended learning outcomes

The knowledge of glacial and periglacial environment, especially on carbonate rocks, of glacial hydrology and past and present glaciation in the world is necessary. Student has to be acquainted with morphological and speleogenetical processes on glaciated land, on periglacial terrains, and on the permafrost. Glaciokarst and knowledge of the glaciation impact and of periglacial processes and their impact on the evolution of surface and underground features are emphasized. According to this knowledge, the student has to be able to interpret palaeoenvironment.


  • Benn, D. I. & D. J. A. Evans, 1998: Glaciers and Glaciation. Hodder Arnold, London. Catalogue E-version
  • French, H. M., 1976: The Periglacial Environment. Longman. E-version
  • French, H. M., 2007: The Periglacial Environment. Wiley. Catalogue E-version
  • Ford, D. & Williams, P., 2007: Karst Hydrogeology and Geomorphology.- [Rev. Ed.], John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 562 str., Chichester. Catalogue E-version
  • Salomon, J.-N. & M. Pulina, 2005: Les karsts des régions climatiques extrêmes. Karstologia - Mémoires, 14, Bordeaux.
  • Washburn, A. L., 1973: Periglacial Processes and Environments. Arnold. E-version
  • Selected articles from scientific journals.


Oral examination has to show the level of student’s knowledge, his ability of understanding, articulation and handing over the knowledge. Student can accede to an examination after reaching 50 % presence at seminar, preparing a short written work (5 - 10 pages) treating specific topic or the publication in connection with his seminar or doctoral work. 50/50

Lecturer's references

Assistant Professor of Geography


Tyc A., Gaidzik K., Żaba J., Paulo A., Ciesielczuk J. & Benavente M. 2023 - Collapse sinkholes related to sulfuric acid caves in Mulapampa travertines (Western Cordillera, Andes, Peru). In: Cürebal I. & Poyraz M. (Eds) - IAG Regional Conference of Geomorphology, Cappadocia 2023, September 12 - 14, 2023, Nevşehir, Turkey, 122-122.
Tyc A., Gaidzik K., Šarc F. & Otoničar B. 2023 - Morphostructural and geomorphometric properties of the Rovte karst (Central Slovenia) with dedolomite manifestations. In: Cürebal I. & Poyraz M. (Eds) - IAG Regional Conference of Geomorphology, Cappadocia 2023, September 12 - 14, 2023, Nevşehir, Turkey, 161-161.
Tyc A., Gaidzik K., Ciesielczuk J., Masías P., Paulo A., Postawa A. & Żaba J. 2022 - Thermal springs and active fault network of the central Colca River basin, Western Cordillera, Peru. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 424, 1-20.
Gaidzik K., Tyc A., Żaba J., Ciesielczuk J., Paulo A., Więsek M., Benavente C. & Laurence L. 2022 - Seismogenic faults, seismo-lineaments, and related thermal waters in the Colca basin, S Peru - preliminary results. In: Baize S. & Rizza M. (Eds) - Proceedings 11th International INQUA Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology (“PATA Days”) 25 - 30 September 2022, Aix-En-Provence, 2022, Aix-Marseille Université, 66-69.
Gaidzik K., Tyc A., Żaba J., Ciesielczuk J. & Paulo A. 2022 - Geochemistry of thermal waters and seismogenic faults in the central Colca River basin, Western Cordillera, Peru. Mineralogia. Special Papers, vol. 50, 46-46.