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Geochemistry of karst

This course is part of the programme
Karstology (Third Cycle)

Objectives and competences

Corrosion, the dissolution of a carbonate rock, is the process of major significance for the origin and evolution of the karst. This is a chemical process. Beside the corrosion there are also other chemical processes important for the different phases of karst evolution, such as deposition. Chemical characteristics of karst elements are important also from other points of view. Student learns that chemical characteristic of karst water is essential as the main property of water but also of its quality, as a natural tracer, etc. Chemical characteristics of karst water as well as of sediments are an important indicator of their pollution, the type of pollution and often also of the source of the pollution. Student has to be aware of the importance of chemical characteristics and consequences due to chemical processes in the karst environment. From this point of view there is still a lot of unknown and not researched yet so there is still a lot to do for the student’s individual research work. The human impact on karst environment is emphasized.




• Introduction
• Hydrogeochemistry of karst
• Geochemical tracers in karst environment
• Radioactive and stable isotopes as tracers on karst surface, in soil and in karst water
• Mutual influence of water - soil - rock
• Impact and direction of eventual pollutant in karst soil and water
• The fundamental of geochemical modelling in karst water
• Protection of underground water from a geochemical point of view

Intended learning outcomes

Student has to master the bases of hydrochemistry of karst. He has to know the geochemical tracers and the importance of radioactive and stable isotopes as natural tracers. He must be aware of mutual influence of rock, soil and water in the karst. Very important is the knowledge of the vulnerability of karst environment against the pollution. Therefore the modelling of geochemical processes of karst waters which is a measure of protection of karst water is crucial.


  • Appelo, C.A.J. & D. Postma (1994): Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution. Balkema, Rotterdam. Catalogue E-version
  • Drever, J.I. (1988): The Geochemistry of Natural Waters. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 437 p. Catalogue E-version
  • Fritz.P. & Fontes, J.C. (eds.) (1980): Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Kendall, C.& McDonnell, J.J.(eds.) (1998): Isotope Tracers in Catchment Hydrology. Elsevier, 838 p. Catalogue
  • Parkhurst, D.L. (1995): PHREEQC- computer program for speciation, reaction-path, advective-transport and inverse geochemical calculations. Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4227, USGS, Lakewood, Colorado. E-version
  • Plummer, L.N., Prestemon, E.C. & D.L. Parkhurst (1994): An interactive code (NETPATH) for modelling net geochemical reactions along flow path, Version 2.0. USGS Water-Resources Investigation Report 94-4169, Reston, Virginia. E-version
  • Tulipano, L., Fidelibus, M.D., Panagopoulos, A. (eds.)(2005): Groundwater management of coastal karstic aquifers. Final report – COST Action 621. European Commision - Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. E-version
  • Zwahlen, F. (eds.)(2004): Vulnerability and risk mapping for the protection of carbonate (karst) aquifers. Final report – COST Action 620. European Commission - Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. E-version
  • Lecture notes – prepared by lecturer


Oral examination.

Lecturer's references

Full Professor of Chemistry


Oskoruš, Dijana; Kapelj, Sanja; Ptiček Siročić, Anita; Zavrtnik, Saša; Biondić, Danko Modernizacija monitoringa pronosa suspendiranog nanosa na primjeru hidrološke postaje Sava-Slavonski Brod // 8. HRVATSKA KONFERENCIJA O VODAMA S MEĐUNARODNIM SUDJELOVANJEM - HRVATSKE VODE U PROIZVODNJI HRANE I ENERGIJE - Zbornik Radova. Zagreb: Hrvatske vode, 2023. str. 235-245
Loborec, Jelena; Kapelj, Sanja; Fiket, Željka Groundwater vulnerability assessment in the vicinity of coal ash landfills in Štrmac (Istria) and Plaški (Lika) // 7. hrvatski geološki kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. Zagreb: Hrvatski geološki institut, 2023. str. 99-100
Oskoruš, Dijana ; Kapelj, Sanja ; Zavrtnik, Saša ; Leskovar, Karlo Suspended Sediment Metal and Metalloid Composition in the Danube River Basin, Croatia // Water, 14 (2022), 21; 3552-3572. doi: 10.3390/w14213552
Loborec, Jelena ; Dogančić, Dragana ; Kapelj, Sanja Monitoring podzemnih voda u krškom vodonosniku izradom istražnih bušotina // Hrvatske vode u zaštiti okoliša i prirode / Biondić, Danko ; Holjević, Danko ; Vizner, Marija (ur.). Opatija, 2019. str. 503-512
Dogančić, Dragana ; Kapelj, Sanja ; Loborec, Jelena ; Ptiček Siročić, Anita The possible impact of agriculture on the groundwater quality, an example of karst field Dugopolje // Book of abstract, 8th International Conference water for all / Habuda Stanić, Mirna (ur.). Osijek, 2019. str. 64-6