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Noun phrase syntax

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Cognitive Science of Language

Objectives and competences

The primary goal of this course is to familiarize the students with the current issues in the syntax of noun phrase.

• Ability of critical thinking about selected topics in noun phrase syntax and search for relevant data
• Ability to identify interesting and theoretically significant problems in noun phrase syntax


Introduction to syntax


Results of the current linguistic investigations by the worldwide known linguists.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge of current topics in noun phrase syntax


  • Steven Abney. 1987. The English Noun Phrase and its sentential aspect. MIT disertacija. E-version
  • Guglielmo Cinque. 2006. On Dual Source of adjectives in Romance DP. Rokopis U. v Benetkah.
  • Bernstein, Judith. 2001. The DP hypothesis: Identifying clausal properties in the nominal domain. In M.Baltin and C.Collins (eds.) Handbook of contemporary syntactic theory. 536-561. Oxford: Blackwell. E-version
  • Scott, Gary-John. 2002. Stacked adjectival modification and the structure of the nominal phrases. In G. Cinque, ed., Functional Structure in DP and IP. The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, vol.1. 91-120. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Whitman, John. 1981. The internal structure of NP in verb final languages. In Papers from the Seventeenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, ed. by R.A. Hendrick, C.S. Masek, and M.F.Miller, 411–418. Chicago: University of Chicago, Chicago Linguistic Society.
  • Other literature based on the actual content of the course (articles from scientific journals – Linguistic Inquiry Catalogue E-version, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory E-version, Lingua Catalogue E-version, Language Catalogue E-version E-version, Theoretical Linguistics Catalogue E-version, The Linguistic Review Catalogue E-version …).


Homework assignments and final term paper (50% / 50%).

Lecturer's references

Full professor of Linguistics at the University of Venice.


  1. Cinque, Guglielmo. 2022 On Two Sub-projections of the Nominal Extended Projection: Some Romance Evidence. PROBUS 34: 55-75.
  2. Cinque, Guglielmo. 2020. The Syntax of Relative Clauses. A Unified Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Guglielmo Cinque. 2013. Typological Studies. Word Order and Relative Clauses, New York, Routledge.
  4. Cinque, Guglielmo. 2010. The Syntax of Adjectives. A Comparative Study. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
  5. Guglielmo Cinque. 2010. The Cartography of Syntactic Structures in B.HEINE AND H.NARROG; eds., Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 51-65.