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Current trends in semantics and pragmatics II

This course is part of the programme
Doctoral study programme Cognitive Science of Language

Objectives and competences

The primary goal of this course is to familiarize the students with the current issues in modern semantics and pragmatics.

The acquired competences are:
-Ability to critically think about a given linguistic topic and finding theoretically relevant data
-Ability to solve specific theoretical linguistic problems.
Lectures are organized as a weekly or biweekly intensive course.


Introduction to semantics


Results of the current linguistic investigations by the worldwide known linguists.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge of current topics and problems in semantics and pragmatics



• Active participation at the lectures 50% • final project on the topic connected with the course content 50%

Lecturer's references

Associate professor of Linguistics at the University of Nova Gorica (prof. dr. Penka Stateva).


  1. STATEVA, Penka, ANDREETTA, Sara, REBOUL, Anne Colette, STEPANOV, Arthur. 2021. Bilingual children's use of the Maximize Presupposition principle. Glossa. 6(1): 1-27, ilustr. ISSN 2397-1835. http://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.1236.
  2. STATEVA, Penka, STEPANOV, Arthur, DÉPREZ, Viviane, DUPUY, Ludivine Emma, REBOUL, Anne Colette. 2019. Cross-linguistic variation in the meaning of quantifiers: Implications for pragmatic enrichment. Frontiers in Psychology 10:957, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00957.
  3. DUPUY, Ludivine Emma, STATEVA, Penka, ANDREETTA, Sara, CHEYLUS, Anne, DÉPREZ, Viviane, HENST, Jean-Baptiste van der, JAYEZ, Jacques, STEPANOV, Arthur, REBOUL, Anne Colette. 2019. Pragmatic abilities in bilinguals: The case of scalar implicatures. Linguistic approaches to bilingualism 9(2): 314-340.
  4. STATEVA, Penka, STEPANOV, Arthur. Two "many"-words in Slovenian: Experimental evidence for pragmatic strengthening. 2017. Acta linguistica academica: An international journal of linguistics 64(3): 435-473.
  5. SAUERLAND, Uli, STATEVA, Penka (eds). 2007. Presupposition and implicature in compositional semantics. Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.