Directed research I
Doctoral study programme Cognitive Science of Language
Objectives and competences
Quality research work leading to the doctoral degree. In the context of Directed Research I, the student chooses the topic for his “qualifying” paper and prepares the list and overview of the relevant literature.
• Ability to do independent research in the selected research area
• Ability to search for literature and relevant data for the student’s research work
The obligatory courses in this program.
Depends on the specific research topic decided upon with the help of the mentor. The program is individual and includes:
• Data analysis and their interpretation
• Presentation and discussion of project results
• Literature study
• Skills in problem solving
• Team work and collaboration
• Skills in scientific writing in English
• Scientific events of the University of Nova Gorica (UNG Scientific Afternoon)
Intended learning outcomes
Detailed knowledge of the topic selected for the Directed Research.
Depends on a specific topic of the directed research.
Research report and a public presentation of own research work. 50 %/50 %
Lecturer's references