Selected topics in formal Slavic linguistics
Doctoral study programme Cognitive Science of Language
Objectives and competences
The students are exposed to the current issues of modern Slavic linguistics. Before the start of the intensive seminar the students must study the literature assigned by the instructor on their own, including scientific articles to be discussed during the seminar.
The acquired competences are:
-Ability to critically think about a given linguistic topic and finding theoretically relevant data
-Ability to solve specific theoretical linguistic problems.
Lectures are organized as a weekly or biweekly intensive course.
Introduction to syntax, introduction to phonology, introduction to semantics
Discussion of current linguistic investigations by the worldwide known linguists. The topics in formal Slavic linguistics including experimental results are pre-selected each year.
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding of current topics in formal Slavic linguistics and related experimental results.
- e-book articles "Open Slavic Linguistics" E-version
- related to the specific content of the course - articles from linguistic scientific journals – Linguistic Inquiry Catalogue E-version E-version, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory E-version, Lingua Catalogue E-version, Language Catalogue E-version, Theoretical Linguistics Catalogue E-version, The Linguistic Review Catalogue E-version .
- Chvany, Catherine V., and Brecht, Richard D. 1980. Morphosyntax in Slavic. Columbus, OH: Slavica. E-version
- Franks, Steven. 1995. Parameters of Slavic morphosyntax. New York, New York: Oxford University press. Catalogue
- Franks, Steven. 2012. The Slavic Languages. V Guglielmo Cinque in Richard S. Kayne (ur.) "The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Syntax". Oxford University Press. Str. 373–419.
- Franks, Steven. 2017. Syntax And Spell-Out In Slavic. Slavica Publishers. Catalogue
- Franks, Steven. 2017. Slavic Generative Syntax. V "Journal of Slavic Linguistics", Letn. 25, Št. 2: 199-240. E-version
• Active class participation (50%) • Final term paper on the topic connected with the content of the course (50%)
Lecturer's references
Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Nova Gorica.
Marušič, F., P. Mišmaš, R. Žaucer. To appear. Placement and Ordering of the (En)clitics. V D. Šipka & W. Browne (ur.) The Cambridge Handbook of Slavic Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Marušič, F. & R. Žaucer. 2021. Investigation of Slovenian Copular Agreement. V S. Franks & A. Timberlake (ur.) Selected Proceedings of the 14th Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society. In Honor of Peter Kosta. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang.
Marušič, F. & R. Žaucer. 2021. Dual in Slovenian. In P. Cabredo Hofherr & J. Doetjes (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Marušič, F., R. Žaucer, A. Saksida, J. Sullivan, D. Skordos, Y. Wang, D. Barner. 2021. Do children derive exact meanings pragmatically? Evidence from a dual morphology language. Cognition 207: 104527.
Marušič, F., P. Mišmaš & R. Žaucer. 2020. Zakaj velika okrogla rdeča čestitka in ne rdeča velika okrogla čestitka? Poskus razlage nezaznamovane stave pridevnikov. [Why a big round red greeting card and not a red big round greeting card? Towards an explanation of the unmarked order of adjectives] In A. Žele & M. Kranjc Ivič (eds) Pogled v jezik in iz jezika: Adi Vidovič Muha ob jubileju. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze v Mariboru. 103-115.